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- Severity
- Description
This event contains summary information for the disaster takeover. It is only generated if a disaster takeover occurs.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
RAID disaster takeover summary: number of partner volumes and aggregates=%d, number of rewrite-fsid partner volumes and aggregates=%d, number of out-of-date partner volumes and aggregates=%d, number of ignored partner volumes and aggregates=%d, number of local volumes and aggregates=%d, number of out-of-date local volumes and aggregates=%d
- Parameters
nPvols (INT): The number of partner volumes involved in the takeover
nRwPvols (INT): The number of rewrite-fsid partner volumes
nOodPvols (INT): The number of out-of-date partner volumes
nIgnPvols (INT): The number of ignored partner volumes
nLvols (INT): The number of local volumes involved in the takeover
nOodLvols (INT): The number of out-of-date local volumes
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when assimilation detects that an aggregate contains disks with multiple current owner IDs and fixes the ownership issue.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Aggregate %s was detected to have disks with mixed current owner IDs and the ownership has been fixed.
- Parameters
aggregate (STRING): Name of the aggregate that contained disks with mixed owner IDs.
disk_count (INT): Number of disks that had their current owner ID fixed.
current_owner_id (INT): NVRAM system ID of the aggregate's current owner.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an aggregate is not returned to its original owner in a giveback operation.
- Corrective Action
Run the 'storage failover giveback' command to return the aggregate to its original owner.
- Syslog Message
Aggregate %s was left behind during giveback.
- Parameters
aggregate (STRING): Name of the aggregate that was left behind.
aggregate_uuid (STRING): Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the aggregate.
home_owner_id (LONGINT): NVRAM system ID of the aggregate's home owner.
current_owner_id (LONGINT): NVRAM system ID of the aggregate's current owner.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when RAID replay fails for partner aggregates during takeover. Data ONTAP® takes appropriate recovery actions, as described in additional logged events.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
RAID takeover: RAID replay failed. Status: %d.
- Parameters
status (INT): Replay failure status code.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a high-availability (HA) takeover attempt fails due to an assimilation error.
- Corrective Action
If partner aggregates are failing to assimilate on the surviving node of the HA pair, contact technical support for assistance with bringing these aggregates online.
- Syslog Message
RAID takeover failed: %s.
- Parameters
reason (STRING): Reason the takeover failed.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system cannot split an out-of-date volume due to a bad volume state.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Partner volume %s identity unaltered during HA disaster takeover: bad state %s. Clients might see stale data.
- Parameters
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
state (STRING): Aggregate state.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system encounters an error during a high availability (HA) disaster takeover.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Partner volume %s HA disaster takeover error (%s): %s. Clients will not be able to access this volume.
- Parameters
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
type (STRING): Type of error
reason (STRING): Internal reason code
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system ignores a volume during a high availability (HA) disaster takeover.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Partner volume %s identity unaltered during HA takeover: %s. Clients might see stale data.
- Parameters
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
reason (STRING): Reason for ignoring the volume
code (INT): Internal code
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system encounters a nonfatal error during a high availability (HA) disaster takeover
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Partner volume %s HA disaster takeover warning (%s): %s Volume takeover might be incomplete and clients might see stale data.
- Parameters
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
type (STRING): Type of error
reason (STRING): Internal reason code
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system rewrites a volume's or aggregate's canceling giveback high availability (HA) disaster takeover.
- Corrective Action
Remount the clients of the volume.
- Syslog Message
Partner %s %s FSID was rewritten during HA disaster takeover. Clients must be remounted.
- Parameters
vol_type (STRING): Volume type.
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
oldFsid (INT): Old fsid
newFsid (INT): New fsid
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the system rewrites a volume's File System ID (FSID) during a high availability (HA) disaster takeover with an out-of-date volume.
- Corrective Action
Remount the clients of the volume.
- Syslog Message
Partner volume %s FSID was rewritten during HA disaster takeover. Clients must be remounted.
- Parameters
vol (STRING): Name of the aggregate.
oldFsid (INT): Old fsid
newFsid (INT): New fsid