repository.dc events
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- Deprecated
Deprecated as of Data ONTAP 9.6 because Infinite Volumes no longer exist.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during a client file operation request, when the Infinite Volume runs into failures that prevent it from cleaning up a transient or client-originated lock on the data constituent. If there are enough of these dangling locks on the data constituent, the lock resource might be exhausted, which causes certain operations to fail.
- Corrective Action
Clear the reported lock ID by using the 'vserver locks break' command at the advanced privilege level.
- Syslog Message
Failures prevented the cleanup of a lock with UUID %s on the data constituent in Vserver %u.
- Parameters
lockid (STRING): Lock UUID of the lock that is left dangling.
vserverId (INT): Vserver ID for which the error occurred.