snapvault.qtree events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when SnapVault® cannot start a volume-wide snapshot target to complete a manually invoked baseline transfer or resynchronizing transfer. As a result, the changes to the qtree in that operation will not yet be made visible. SnapVault attempts to repair this condition.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Could not coalesce %s: %s.
- Parameters
qtpath (STRING): Path of the qtree in the operation.
reason (STRING): Reason why SnapVault could not start the snapshot target.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when SnapVault® fails to initiate a qtree into a SnapVault coalescing cycle.
- Corrective Action
If the error is transient, the next SnapVault coalescing cycle tries to initiate the qtree into the coalescing cycle. Otherwise, see the error message for details.
- Syslog Message
Could not initiate %s into SnapVault coalescing cycle: %s.
- Parameters
qtpath (STRING): Path of the qtree in the operation.
errstr (STRING): Error string.
- Severity
- Description
During initialization, SnapVault will attempt to update the qtree metadata flag if necessary. This message is generated if the qtree has been converted but an error occurs in updating the status entry.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Could not update the status entry for %s. Entry will be updated during the next transfer.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): The pathname for the qtree.