snapvault.src events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapVault® source appliance receives a transfer request when the service is not enabled. The license needed depends on the transfer type. For SnapVault restore transfers, the appliance must have a secondary license. For other transfers, the appliance must have a primary license.
- Corrective Action
Enable the service by issuing the command 'options snapvault.enable on'. You might need to license the service before you enable it.
- Syslog Message
Command request (%d) from host %s while SnapVault is not enabled.
- Parameters
cmd (INT): Protocol command number for the type of transfer being requested.
dst_ip (STRING): IP address of the destination issuing the transfer request.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapVault® snapshot target is initiated on a SnapVault primary volume while the volume is being migrated. The target might have been scheduled or manually invoked (through the 'snapvault snap create' command or programmatic interfaces).
- Corrective Action
Wait for the volume migration to be completed.
- Syslog Message
SnapVault primary volume %s is currently being migrated.
- Parameters
volname (STRING): Name of the SnapVault primary volume, on which the target is invoked.