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Support EMS filters endpoint overview



Manages the list of available filters. A filter is a named collection of rules that enable the system to identify events that require additional handling. A filter is linked with a destination to which the system sends specific events.

When an event is processed by EMS, each filter is evaluated for a match. More than one filter can handle a single event.

Filter rule position

A filter's rules are evaluated sequentially, according to their position index. When a rule is added or modified, the position can be set to customize the filter's logic. If no position is specified, a new rule is appended to the end of the list.

Filter rule types

A filter rule can be one of two types: 'include' or 'exclude'. If an event matches the criteria of the rule, the type dictates whether it should be forwarded to the destination or ignored.

Filter rule matching criteria

A valid filter rule must contain at least one set of criteria.

Name pattern

A name pattern is matched against an event's name. Multiple characters can be matched using the wildcard character '*'.


The severity pattern is matched against an event's severity. Multiple severities can be specified in a comma separated list. A single wildcard '*' will match all severities. Valid values are:

  • emergency

  • alert

  • error

  • notice

  • informational

  • debug

SNMP trap type

The SNMP trap type pattern is matched against an event's trap type. Multiple trap types can be specified in a comma separated list. A single wildcard '*' matches all trap types. Valid values are:

  • standard

  • built_in

  • severity_based


Retrieving a list of filters whose names contain a hyphen

GET /api/support/ems/filters?name=*-*

# Response
200 OK

# JSON Body
"records": [
    "name": "default-trap-events",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/support/ems/filters/default-trap-events"
    "name": "important-events",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/support/ems/filters/important-events"
    "name": "no-info-debug-events",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/support/ems/filters/no-info-debug-events"
"num_records": 3,
"_links": {
  "self": {
    "href": "/api/support/ems/filters?name=*-*"

Creating a new filter using various matching criteria

POST /api/support/ems/filters

# JSON Body
"name": "test-filter",
"rules": [
    "index": 1,
    "type": "include",
    "message_criteria": {
      "name_pattern": "LUN.*",
      "severities": "alert,error",
      "snmp_trap_types": "severity_based"

# Response
201 Created