Security authentication password endpoint overview
This API changes the password for a local user account.
Only cluster administrators with the "admin" role can change the password for other cluster or SVM user accounts. If you are not a cluster administrator, you can only change your own password.
Changing the password of another cluster or SVM user account by a cluster administrator
Specify the user account name and the new password in the body of the POST request. The owner.uuid or are not required to be specified for a cluster-scoped user account.
For an SVM-scoped account, along with new password and user account name, specify either the SVM name as the or SVM uuid as the owner.uuid in the body of the POST request. These indicate the SVM for which the user account is created and can be obtained from the response body of a GET request performed on the /api/svm/svms API.
# The API: POST "/api/security/authentication/password" # The call to change the password of another cluster user: curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/security/authentication/password" -d '{"name":"cluster_user1","password":"hello@1234"}'
# The call to change the password of another SVM user: curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/security/authentication/password" -d '{"":"svm1","name":"svm_user1","password":"hello@1234"}'
Changing the password of an SVM-scoped user
The IP address in the URI must be same as one of the interfaces owned by the SVM. |
# The API: POST "/api/security/authentication/password" # The call: curl -X POST "https://<SVM-ip>/api/security/authentication/password" -d '{"name":"svm_user1","password":"new1@1234"}'