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Cluster and storage switches

Replacement requirements

Contributors netapp-jolieg netapp-yvonneo

Before replacing the switch, make sure the following conditions are met in the current environment and on the replacement switch.

Existing cluster and network infrastructure

Make sure that:

  • The existing cluster is verified as completely functional, with at least one fully connected cluster switch.

  • All cluster ports are up.

  • All cluster logical interfaces (LIFs) are administratively and operationally up and on their home ports.

  • The ONTAP cluster ping-cluster -node node1 command must indicate that the settings, basic connectivity and larger than PMTU communication, are successful on all paths.

BES-53248 replacement cluster switch

Make sure that:

  • Management network connectivity on the replacement switch is functional.

  • Console access to the replacement switch is in place.

  • The node connections are ports 0/1 through 0/16 with default licensing.

  • All Inter-Switch Link (ISL) ports are disabled on ports 0/55 and 0/56.

  • The desired reference configuration file (RCF) and EFOS operating system switch image are loaded onto the switch.

  • Initial customization of the switch is complete, as detailed in Configure the BES-53248 cluster switch.

Any previous site customizations, such as STP, SNMP, and SSH, are copied to the new switch.

Enable console logging

NetApp strongly recommends that you enable console logging on the devices that you are using and take the following actions when replacing your switch: