Prerequisites for adding hosts and installing SnapCenter Custom Plug-ins
Before you add a host and install the plug-ins packages, you must complete all the requirements. The Custom Plug-ins can be used in both Windows and Linux environments.
You must have created a custom plug-in. For details, see the developer information.
If you want to manage MySQL or DB2 applications, you must have downloaded the MySQL and DB2 Custom Plug-ins that are provided by NetApp.
You must have installed Java 1.8 or Java 11 (64-bit) on your Linux or Windows host.
When installing a plug-in on a Windows host, if you specify a credential that is not built-in, or if the user belongs to a local workgroup user, you must disable UAC on the host.
The Custom Plug-ins must be available on the client host from where the add host operation is performed.
If you are using iSCSI, the iSCSI service should be running.
SHA512 hash
For custom plug-ins provided by NetApp, you should ensure that you have added the SHA512 hash of the custom plug-in file to the custom_plugin_checksum_list file.
For Linux host, the SHA512 hash is located at /var/opt/snapcenter/scc/custom_plugin_checksum_list.txt
For Windows host, the SHA512 hash is located at C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter Plug-in Creator\etc\custom_plugin_checksum_list.txt
For custom installation path, the SHA512 hash is located at <custom path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\Snapcenter Plug-in Creator\etc\custom_plugin_checksum_list.txt
The custom_plugin_checksum_list is part of the custom plug-in installation on the host by SnapCenter.
For custom plug-ins created for your application, you should have performed the following steps:
Generated the SHA512 hash of the plug-in zip file.
You can use online tools like SHA512 hash.
Added the generated SHA512 hash to the custom_plugin_checksum_list file in a new line.
The comments start with # symbol to identify the plug-in to which the hash belongs.
Following is an example of an entry of SHA512 hash in the checksum file:
#ORASCPM 03721f567a1e4a1cb5569066b9a58af619ee12b1f8713108f81b696cfbdb81c25232fa63d6e6777a2b2a1ec068bb0a93a59a8ade71587182f8bccbe81f7e0ba6
Windows hosts
You must have a domain user with local administrator privileges with local login permissions on the remote host.
If you manage cluster nodes in SnapCenter, you must have a user with administrative privileges to all the nodes in the cluster.
Linux hosts
You must have enabled the password-based SSH connection for the root or non-root user.
You must have installed Java 1.8 or Java 11 (64-bit), on your Linux host.
If you are using Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2016 for the SnapCenter Server host, you must install Java 1.8 or Java 11 (64-bit). The Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) contains the latest information about requirements.
You must configure sudo privileges for the non-root user to provide access to several paths. Add the following lines to the /etc/sudoers file by using the visudo Linux utility.
Ensure that you are using Sudo version 1.8.7 or later. Cmnd_Alias HPPLCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/LINUX_USER/.sc_netapp/snapcenter_linux_host_plugin.bin, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/installation/plugins/uninstall, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spl, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/scc/bin/scc Cmnd_Alias PRECHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/LINUX_USER/.sc_netapp/ Cmnd_Alias CONFIGCHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/plugins/scu/scucore/configurationcheck/ Cmnd_Alias SCCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/sc_command_executor Cmnd_Alias SCCCMDEXECUTOR =checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/scc/bin/sccCommandExecutor LINUX_USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: HPPLCMD, PRECHECKCMD, CONFIGCHECKCMD, SCCCMDEXECUTOR, SCCMD Defaults: LINUX_USER !visiblepw Defaults: LINUX_USER !requiretty
LINUX_USER is the name of the non-root user that you created.
You can obtain the checksum_value from the oracle_checksum.txt file, which is located at C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.
The example should be used only as a reference for creating your own data.