Create a load balancer endpoint for FabricPool
StorageGRID uses a load balancer to manage the workload from client applications, such as FabricPool. Load balancing maximizes speed and connection capacity across multiple Storage Nodes.
When configuring StorageGRID for use with FabricPool, you must configure a load balancer endpoint and upload or generate a load balancer endpoint certificate, which is used to secure the connection between ONTAP and StorageGRID.
To use the FabricPool setup wizard to complete this task, go to Access and complete the FabricPool setup wizard.
You are signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported web browser.
You have the Root access permission.
You have reviewed the general considerations for load balancing as well as the best practices for load balancing for FabricPool.
Select CONFIGURATION > Network > Load balancer endpoints.
Select Create.
For the Enter endpoint details step, complete the following fields.
Field Description Name
A descriptive name for the endpoint.
The StorageGRID port you want to use for load balancing. This field defaults to 10433 for the first endpoint you create, but you can enter any unused external port. If you enter 80 or 443, the endpoint is configured only on Gateway Nodes. These ports are reserved on Admin Nodes.
Note: Ports used by other grid services aren't permitted. See the Network port reference.
You will provide this number to ONTAP when you attach StorageGRID as a FabricPool cloud tier.
Client type
Select S3.
Network protocol
Select HTTPS.
Note: Communicating with StorageGRID without TLS encryption is supported but not recommended.
For the Select binding mode step, specify the binding mode. The binding mode controls how the endpoint is accessed—using any IP address or using specific IP addresses and network interfaces.
Option Description Global (default)
Clients can access the endpoint using the IP address of any Gateway Node or Admin Node, the virtual IP (VIP) address of any HA group on any network, or a corresponding FQDN.
Use the Global setting (default) unless you need to restrict the accessibility of this endpoint.
Virtual IPs of HA groups
Clients must use a virtual IP address (or corresponding FQDN) of an HA group to access this endpoint.
Endpoints with this binding mode can all use the same port number, as long as the HA groups you select for the endpoints don't overlap.
Node interfaces
Clients must use the IP addresses (or corresponding FQDNs) of selected node interfaces to access this endpoint.
Node type
Based on the type of node you select, clients must use either the IP address (or corresponding FQDN) of any Admin Node or the IP address (or corresponding FQDN) of any Gateway Node to access this endpoint.
For the Tenant access step, select one of the following:
Field Description Allow all tenants (default)
All tenant accounts can use this endpoint to access their buckets.
Allow all tenants is almost always the appropriate option for the load balancer endpoint used for FabricPool.
You must select this option if you have not yet created any tenant accounts.
Allow selected tenants
Only the selected tenant accounts can use this endpoint to access their buckets.
Block selected tenants
The selected tenant accounts can't use this endpoint to access their buckets. All other tenants can use this endpoint.
For the Attach certificate step, select one of the following:
Field Description Upload certificate (recommended)
Use this option to upload a CA-signed server certificate, certificate private key, and optional CA bundle.
Generate certificate
Use this option to generate a self-signed certificate. See Configure load balancer endpoints for details of what to enter.
Use StorageGRID S3 and Swift certificate
This option is available only if you have already uploaded or generated a custom version of the StorageGRID global certificate. See Configure S3 and Swift API certificates for details.
Select Create.
Changes to an endpoint certificate can take up to 15 minutes to be applied to all nodes. |