Additional resources
There are additional resources you can access to get help and find more information about NetApp cloud services and support as well as general REST and cloud concepts.
Astra Control Center documentation
Documentation for the current release of the Astra Control Center software deployed on the customer premises.
Astra Control Service documentation
Documentation for the current release of the Astra Control Service software available in the public cloud.
Documentation for the current release of the Astra Trident software, an open source storage orchestrator maintained by NetApp.
Central location for accessing all the Astra documentation for both on-premises and public cloud deployments.
Community support for Astra Control and other NetApp products.
NetApp cloud resources
Central site for the NetApp cloud solutions.
NetApp Cloud Central service console with sign in.
Access troubleshooting tools, documentation, and technical support assistance.
REST and cloud concepts
PhD dissertation by Roy Fielding
This publication introduced and established the REST application development model.
This is the authentication and authorization platform service used by the Astra service for web access.
Authoritative source for web and Internet standards maintained as a collection of uniquely numbered RFC documents.