Quick start for Astra Control Center
This page provides a high-level overview of the steps needed to get started with Astra Control Center. The links within each step take you to a page that provides more details.
Try it out! If you want to try Astra Control Center, you can use a 90-day evaluation license. See licensing information for details.

Astra works with Kubernetes clusters with a Trident-configured ONTAP storage backend or an Astra Data Store storage backend.
Clusters must be running in a healthy state, with at least three online worker nodes.
The cluster must be running Kubernetes.

Download Astra Control Center from the NetApp Support Site Astra Control Center Downloads page.
Install Astra Control Center in your local environment.
Optionally, install Astra Control Center using Red Hat OperatorHub.

Add a license.
Add a Kubernetes cluster and Astra Control Center discovers details.
Add an ONTAP or Astra Data Store storage backend.
Optionally, add an object store bucket that will store your app backups.

After you finish setting up Astra Control Center, here's what you might do next:
Manage an app. Learn more about how to manage apps.
Optionally, connect to NetApp Cloud Insights to display metrics on the health of your system, capacity, and throughput inside the Astra Control Center UI. Learn more about connecting to Cloud Insights.