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Astra Control Center
A newer release of this product is available.

Known limitations

Contributors netapp-rlithman

The same cluster cannot be managed by two Astra Control Center instances

If you want to manage a cluster on another Astra Control Center instance, you should first unmanage the cluster from the instance on which it is managed before you manage it on another instance. After you remove the cluster from management, verify that the cluster is unmanaged by executing this command:

oc get pods n -netapp-monitoring

There should be no pods running in that namespace or the namespace should not exist. If either of those are true, the cluster is unmanaged.

Astra Control Center cannot manage two identically named clusters

If you try to add a cluster with the same name of a cluster that already exists, the operation will fail. This issue most often occurs in a standard Kubernetes environment if you have not changed the cluster name default in Kubernetes configuration files.

As a workaround, do the following:

  1. Edit your kubeadm-config ConfigMap:

    kubectl edit configmaps -n kube-system kubeadm-config
  2. Change the clusterName field value from kubernetes (the Kubernetes default name) to a unique custom name.

  3. Edit kubeconfig (.kube/config).

  4. Update cluster name from kubernetes to a unique custom name (xyz-cluster is used in the examples below). Make the update in both clusters and contexts sections as shown in this example:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: ExAmPLERb2tCcjZ5K3E2Njk4eQotLExAMpLEORCBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0txxxxXX==
        server: https://x.x.x.x:6443
      name: xyz-cluster
    - context:
        cluster: xyz-cluster
        namespace: default
        user: kubernetes-admin
      name: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
    current-context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes

A user with namespace RBAC constraints can add and unmanage a cluster

A user with namespace RBAC constraints should not be allowed to add or unmanage clusters. Due to a current limitation, Astra does not prevent such users from unmanaging clusters.

A member with namespace constraints cannot access the cloned or restored apps until admin adds the namespace to the constraint

Any member user with RBAC constraints by namespace name/ID or by namespace labels can clone or restore an app to a new namespace on the same cluster or to any other cluster in their organization's account. However, the same user cannot access the cloned or restored app in the new namespace. After a new namespace is created by a clone or restore operation, the account admin/owner can edit the member user account and update role constraints for the affected user to grant access to the new namespace.

App backups that are in progress cannot be stopped

There is no way to stop a running backup. If you need to delete the backup, wait until it has completed and then use the instructions in Delete backups. To delete a failed backup, use the Astra Control API.

Clones of apps installed using pass-by-reference operators can fail

Astra Control supports apps installed with namespace-scoped operators. These operators are generally designed with a "pass-by-value" rather than "pass-by-reference" architecture. The following are some operator apps that follow these patterns:

  • Apache K8ssandra

    Note For K8ssandra, in-place restore operations are supported. A restore operation to a new namespace or cluster requires that the original instance of the application to be taken down. This is to ensure that the peer group information carried over does not lead to cross-instance communication. Cloning of the app is not supported.
  • Jenkins CI

  • Percona XtraDB Cluster

Note that Astra Control might not be able to clone an operator that is designed with a “pass-by-reference” architecture (for example, the CockroachDB operator). During these types of cloning operations, the cloned operator attempts to reference Kubernetes secrets from the source operator despite having its own new secret as part of the cloning process. The clone operation might fail because Astra Control is unaware of the Kubernetes secrets in the source operator.

In-place restore operations of apps that use a certificate manager are not supported

This release of Astra Control Center does not support in-place restore of apps with certificate managers. Restore operations to a different namespace and clone operations are supported.

OLM-enabled and cluster-scoped operator deployed apps not supported

Astra Control Center does not support application management activities with cluster-scoped operators.

Apps deployed with Helm 2 are not supported

If you use Helm to deploy apps, Astra Control Center requires Helm version 3. Managing and cloning apps deployed with Helm 3 (or upgraded from Helm 2 to Helm 3) is fully supported. For more information, see Astra Control Center requirements.

S3 buckets in Astra Control Center do not report available capacity

Before backing up or cloning apps managed by Astra Control Center, check bucket information in the ONTAP or StorageGRID management system.

Astra Control Center does not validate the details you enter for your proxy server

Ensure that you enter the correct values when establishing a connection.

Existing connections to a Postgres pod causes failures

When you perform operations on Postgres pods, you shouldn't connect directly within the pod to use the psql command. Astra Control requires psql access to freeze and thaw the databases. If there is a pre-existing connection, the snapshot, backup, or clone will fail.

Backups and snapshots might not be retained during removal of an Astra Control Center instance

If you have an evaluation license, be sure you store your account ID to avoid data loss in the event of Astra Control Center failure if you are not sending ASUPs.