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Astra Control Center
A newer release of this product is available.

Known limitations with this release


Known limitations identify platforms, devices, or functions that are not supported by this release of the product, or that do not interoperate correctly with it. Review these limitations carefully.

The same cluster cannot be managed by two Astra Control Center instances

If you want to manage a cluster on another Astra Control Center instance, you should first unmanage the cluster from the instance on which it is managed before you manage it on another instance. After you remove the cluster from management, verify that the cluster is unmanaged by executing this command:

oc get pods n -netapp-monitoring

There should be no pods running in that namespace or the namespace should not exist. If either of those are true, the cluster is unmanaged.

Cluster is in removed state although cluster and network are otherwise working as expected

If a cluster is in removed state yet cluster and network connectivity appears healthy (external attempts to access the cluster using Kubernetes APIs are successful), the kubeconfig you provided to Astra Control might no longer be valid. This can be due to certificate rotation or expiration on the cluster. To correct this issue, update the credentials associated with the cluster in Astra Control using the Astra Control API:

  1. Run a POST call to add an updated kubeconfig file to the /credentials endpoint and retrieve the assigned id from the response body.

  2. Run a PUT call from the /clusters endpoint using the appropriate cluster ID and set the credentialID to the id value from the previous step.

After you complete these steps, the credential associated with the cluster is updated and the cluster should reconnect and update its state to available.

OLM-enabled and cluster-scoped operator deployed apps not supported

Astra Control Center does not support apps that are deployed with Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)-enabled operators or cluster-scoped operators.

Cloning apps can only be done with same K8s distribution

If you clone an app between clusters, the source and destination clusters must be the same distribution of Kubernetes. For example, if you clone an app from an OpenShift 4.7 cluster, use a destination cluster that is also OpenShift 4.7.

OpenShift 4.8 is not supported

OpenShift 4.8 is not supported for the July release of Astra Control Center. For more information, see Astra Control Center requirements.

Apps deployed with Helm 2 are not supported

If you use Helm to deploy apps, Astra Control Center requires Helm version 3. Managing and cloning apps deployed with Helm 3 (or upgraded from Helm 2 to Helm 3) are fully supported. For more information, see Astra Control Center requirements.

Astra Control Center does not validate the details you enter for your proxy server

Ensure that you enter the correct values when establishing a connection.

Data protection for Astra Control Center as app not yet available

This release does not support the ability to manage Astra as an app using snapshot, backup, or restore options.

Unhealthy pods affect app management

If a managed app has pods in an unhealthy state, Astra Control can't create new backups and clones.

Existing connections to a Postgres pod causes failures

When you perform operations on Postgres pods, you shouldn't connect directly within the pod to use the psql command. Astra Control requires psql access to freeze and thaw the databases. If there is a pre-existing connection, the snapshot, backup, or clone will fail.

Trident isn't uninstalled from a cluster

When you unmanage a cluster from Astra Control Center, Trident isn't automatically uninstalled from the cluster. To uninstall Trident, you'll need to follow these steps in the Trident documentation.

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