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Cluster and storage switches

Install Cumulus Linux in ONIE mode

Contributors netapp-yvonneo netapp-jolieg

Follow this procedure to install Cumulus Linux (CL) OS when the switch is running in ONIE mode.

Note Cumulus Linux (CL) OS can be installed either when the switch is running Cumulus Linux or ONIE (see Install in Cumulus mode).
About this task

You can install the Cumulus Linux using Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) that allows for automatic discovery of a network installer image. This facilitates the system model of securing switches with an operating system choice, such as Cumulus Linux. The easiest way to install Cumulus Linux with ONIE is with local HTTP discovery.

Note If your host is IPv6-enabled, make sure it is running a web server. If your host is IPv4-enabled, make sure it is running DHCP in addition to a web server.

This procedure demonstrates how to upgrade Cumulus Linux after the admin has booted in ONIE.

  1. Download the Cumulus Linux installation file to the root directory of the web server. Rename this file onie-installer.

  2. Connect your host to the management Ethernet port of the switch using an Ethernet cable.

  3. Power on the switch. The switch downloads the ONIE image installer and boots. After the installation completes, the Cumulus Linux login prompt appears in the terminal window.

    Note Each time Cumulus Linux is installed, the entire file system structure is erased and rebuilt.
  4. Reboot the SN2100 switch:

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ sudo reboot
  5. Press the Esc key at the GNU GRUB screen to interrupt the normal boot process, select ONIE and press Enter.

  6. On the next screen displayed, select ONIE: Install OS.

  7. The ONIE installer discovery process runs searching for the automatic installation. Press Enter to temporarily stop the process.

  8. When the discovery process has stopped:

    ONIE:/ # onie-stop
    discover: installer mode detected.
    Stopping: discover...start-stop-daemon: warning: killing process 427:
    No such process done.
  9. If the DHCP service is running on your network, verify that the IP address, subnet mask, and the default gateway are correctly assigned:

    ifconfig eth0

    Show example
    ONIE:/ # ifconfig eth0
    eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr B8:CE:F6:19:1D:F6
           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
           inet6 addr: fe80::bace:f6ff:fe19:1df6/64 Scope:Link
           RX packets:21344 errors:0 dropped:2135 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:3500 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:6119398 (5.8 MiB)  TX bytes:472975 (461.8 KiB)
    ONIE:/ # route
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
    default         UG    0      0      0   eth0    *        U     0      0      0   eth0
  10. If the IP addressing scheme is manually defined, do the following:

    ONIE:/ # ifconfig eth0 netmask
    ONIE:/ # route add default gw
  11. Repeat step 9 to verify that the static information is correctly entered.

  12. Install Cumulus Linux:

    ONIE:/ # route
      Kernel IP routing table
      ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install http://<web-server>/<path>/cumulus-linux-4.4.3-mlx-amd64.bin
      Stopping: discover... done.
      Info: Attempting,svl/nic/files/cumulus-linux-4.4.3-mlx-amd64.bin ...
      Connecting to (
      installer            100% |*|   552M  0:00:00 ETA
  13. Once the installation has completed, log in to the switch:

    Show example
    cumulus login: cumulus
    Password: cumulus
    You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)
    Changing password for cumulus.
    Current password: cumulus
    New password: <new_password>
    Retype new password: <new_password>
  14. Verify the Cumulus Linux version:

    net show version

    Show example
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ net show version
    DISTRIB_ID="Cumulus Linux"
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Cumulus Linux 4.4.3”
What's next?

Install RCF script.