REST APIs supported for other plug-ins
The resources available through the SnapCenter REST API are organized in categories, as displayed on the SnapCenter API documentation page. A brief description of each of the resources with the base resource paths is presented below, along with additional usage considerations where appropriate.
You can use this API call to log into the SnapCenter Server. This API returns a user authorization token that is used to authenticate subsequent requests.
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve all the domains
retrieve details of a specific domain
register or unregister a domain
modify a domain
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve all the jobs
retrieve status of a job
cancel or stop a job
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
register, view, modify, or remove a credential
configure notification settings
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve host details
retrieve the plug-in installed and their resource details
add, remove, or modify a plug-in host
install or upgrade plug-ins
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve resources
create, modify, or remove resources
protect a resource
back up, restore, or clone a resource
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve backup details
rename or delete backups
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve clone details
delete clones
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve the status of a clone split operation
start or stop a clone split operation
Resource Groups
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve details of a resource group
create, modify, or delete a resource group
back up a resource group
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve policy details
create, modify, or delete policies
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve storage details
create, modify, or delete a storage
discover resources on a storage
create or delete a share on the storage
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve the details of a share
create or delete a share on the storage
You can use these API calls to retrieve all the plug-ins on a host and perform different operations.
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
generate backup, restore, clone, and plug-in reports
add, run, delete, or modify schedules
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve all the alerts
delete alerts
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
retrieve details of users, groups, and roles
add users
create, modify, or delete roles
assign or unassign roles and groups
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
view the configuration settings
modify the configuration settings
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
view the certificate status
modify the certificate settings
You can use these API calls to perform the following:
backup and restore the NSM repository
protect and unprotect the NSM repository
rebuild the NSM repository