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SnapCenter Software

REST APIs supported for SnapCenter Server and plug-ins


The resources available through the SnapCenter REST API are organized in categories, as displayed on the SnapCenter API documentation page. A brief description of each of the resources with the base resource paths is presented below, along with additional usage considerations where appropriate.


You can use this API to log into the SnapCenter Server. This API returns a user authorization token that is used to authenticate subsequent requests.


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve all the domains in SnapCenter

  • retrieve details of a specific domain

  • register or unregister a domain

  • modify a domain


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve all the jobs in SnapCenter

  • retrieve status of a job

  • cancel or stop a job


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • register, modify, or remove a credential

  • displays the credential information registered in the SnapCenter Server

  • configure notification settings

  • retrieves information about the SMTP server currently configured to send email notifications and displays the name of the SMTP server, the name of the recipients, and the name of the sender

  • displays multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration of the SnapCenter Server login

  • enable or disable and configure MFA for the SnapCenter Server login

  • create the configuration file required to setup MFA


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • query all SnapCenter hosts

  • remove one or more hosts from SnapCenter

  • retrieve a host by name

  • retrieve all resources on a host

  • retrieve a resource using the resource ID

  • retrieve the plug-in configuration details

  • configure the plug-in host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for Oracle database host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for custom application host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for SAP HANA host

  • retrieve the plug-ins installed

  • install plug-ins on an existing host

  • upgrade host package

  • remove plug-ins from an existing host

  • add plug-in on a host

  • add or modify host

  • get the signature of the Linux host

  • register the signature of the Linux host

  • put the host to maintenance or production mode

  • start or restart the plug-in services on the host

  • rename a host


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve all resources

  • retrieve a resource using the resource ID

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for Oracle database host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for custom application host

  • retrieve all resources of the plug-in for SAP HANA host

  • retrieve a Microsoft SQL Server resource using a key

  • retrieve a custom resource using a key

  • modify a resource of the plug-in for custom application host

  • remove a resource of the plug-in for custom application host using a key

  • retrieve a SAP HANA resource using a key

  • modify a resource of the plug-in for SAP HANA host

  • remove a resource of the plug-in for SAP HANA host using a key

  • retrieve an Oracle resource using a key

  • create an Oracle application volume resource

  • modify an Oracle application volume resource

  • remove an Oracle application volume resource using a key

  • retrieve the secondary details of the Oracle resource

  • backup the Microsoft SQL Server resource using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • backup the Oracle resource using plug-in for Oracle database

  • backup the custom resource using plug-in for custom application

  • configure the SAP HANA database

  • configure the Oracle database

  • restore a SQL database backup

  • restore an Oracle database backup

  • restore a custom application backup

  • create a custom plug-in resource

  • create a SAP HANA resource

  • protect a custom resource using plug-in for custom application

  • protect a Microsoft SQL Server resource using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • modify a protected Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • remove protection for Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • protect an Oracle resource using plug-in for Oracle database

  • modify a protected Oracle resource

  • remove protection from Oracle resource

  • clone a resource from the backup using plug-in for custom application

  • clone an Oracle application volume from the backup using plug-in for Oracle database

  • clone a Microsoft SQL Server resource from the backup using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • create a clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • modify clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • delete clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • move an existing Microsoft SQL Server database from a local disk to a NetApp LUN

  • create a clone specification file for an Oracle database

  • initiate an on-demand clone refresh job of an Oracle resource

  • create an Oracle resource from the backup using the clone specification file

  • restores the database to the secondary replica and joins the database back to the availability group

  • create an Oracle application volume resource


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve backup details by backup name, type, plug-in, resource, or date

  • retrieve all backups

  • retrieve backup details

  • rename or delete backups

  • mount an Oracle backup

  • unmount an Oracle backup

  • catalog an Oracle backup

  • uncatalog an Oracle backup

  • get all the backups required to be mounted to perform point-in-time recovery


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • create, display, modify, and delete Oracle database clone specification file

  • display Oracle database clone hierarchy

  • retrieve clone details

  • retrieve all clones

  • delete clones

  • retrieve clone details by ID

  • initiate an on-demand clone refresh job of an Oracle resource

  • clone an Oracle resource from the backup using the clone specification file

Clone split

You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • estimate the clone split operation of the cloned resource

  • retrieve the status of a clone split operation

  • start or stop a clone split operation

Resource Groups

You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve details of all resource groups

  • retrieve the resource group by name

  • create a resource group for plug-in for custom application

  • create a resource group for plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • create a resource group for plug-in for Oracle database

  • modify a resource group for plug-in for custom application

  • modify a resource group for plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • modify a resource group for plug-in for Oracle database

  • create, modify, or delete clone life cycle of a resource group for plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • back up a resource group

  • put the resource group to maintenance or production mode

  • remove a resource group


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve policy details

  • retrieve policy details by name

  • delete a policy

  • create a copy of an existing policy

  • create or modify policy for plug-in for custom application

  • create or modify policy for plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • create or modify policy for for plug-in for Oracle database

  • create or modify policy for plug-in for SAP HANA database


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve all the shares

  • retrieve a share by name

  • create or delete a share

  • retrieve storage details

  • retrieve storage details by name

  • create, modify, or delete a storage

  • discover resources on a storage cluster

  • retrieve resources on a storage cluster


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve the details of a share

  • retrieve details of all the shares

  • create or delete a share on the storage

  • retrieve a share by name


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • list all the plug-ins for a host

  • retrieve a Microsoft SQL Server resource using a key

  • modify a custom resource using a key

  • remove a custom resource using a key

  • retrieve a SAP HANA resource using a key

  • modify a SAP HANA resource using a key

  • remove a SAP HANA resource using a key

  • retrieve an Oracle resource using a key

  • modify an Oracle application volume resource using a key

  • remove an Oracle application volume resource using a key

  • backup the Microsoft SQL Server resource using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server and a key

  • backup the Oracle resource using plug-in for Oracle database and a key

  • backup the custom application resource using plug-in for custom application and a key

  • configure the SAP HANA database using a key

  • configure the Oracle database using a key

  • restore a custom application backup using a key

  • create a custom plug-in resource

  • create a SAP HANA resource

  • create an Oracle application volume resource

  • protect a custom resource using plug-in for custom application

  • protect a Microsoft SQL Server resource using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • modify a protected Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • remove protection for Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • protect an Oracle resource using plug-in for Oracle database

  • modify a protected Oracle resource

  • remove protection from Oracle resource

  • clone a resource from the backup using plug-in for custom application

  • clone an Oracle application volume from the backup using plug-in for Oracle database

  • clone a Microsoft SQL Server resource from the backup using plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • create a clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • modify clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • delete clone life cycle of a Microsoft SQL Server resource

  • create a clone specification file for an Oracle database

  • initiate an on-demand clone life cycle of an Oracle resource

  • clone an Oracle resource from the backup using the clone specification file


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve reports of backup, restore, and clone operations for respective plug-ins

  • add, run, delete, or modify schedules

  • retrieve data for the scheduled reports


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve all the alerts

  • retrieve alerts by IDs

  • delete multiple alerts or delete an alert by ID


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve details of users, groups, and roles

  • add or delete users

  • assign user to role

  • unassign user from role

  • create, modify, or delete roles

  • assign group to a role

  • unassign group from a role

  • add or delete groups

  • create a copy of an existing role

  • assign or unassign resources to user or group


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • view the configuration settings

  • modify the configuration settings


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • view the certificate status for the SnapCenter Server or plug-in host

  • modify the certificate settings for the SnapCenter Server or plug-in host


You can use APIs to perform different operations.

  • retrieve the repository backups

  • view the configuration information about the repository

  • protect and restore the SnapCenter repository

  • unprotect the SnapCenter repository

  • rebuild and failover the repository


You can use this API to view the SnapCenter version.