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SnapCenter Software

NATIVE style

Contributors netapp-nsriram

SnapCenter supports non-PERL programming or scripting languages to create plug-ins. This is known as NATIVE style programming, which can be script or BATCH file.

The NATIVE-style plug-ins must follow certain conventions given below:

The plug-in must be executable

  • For Unix systems, the user who runs the agent must have execute privileges on the plug-in

  • For Windows systems, PowerShell plug-ins must have the suffix .ps1, other windows scripts must have either .cmd or .bat suffix and must be executable by the user

  • The plug-ins must react to command-line argument like "-quiesce", "-unquiesce"

  • The plug-ins must return exit code 99 incase an operation or function is not implemented

  • The plug-ins must use a specific syntax to pass results back to the server

General plug-in handling

Logging error messages

Each operation can send messages back to the server, which displays and stores the content. A message contains the message level, a timestamp, and a message text. Multiline messages are supported.



Using plug-in stubs

SnapCenter plug-ins must implement plug-in stubs. These are methods that the SnapCenter Server calls based on a specific workflow.

Plug-in Stub Optional/Required Purpose



This stub is responsible for performing a quiesce. It places the application into a state where we can create a Snapshot. This is called before storage Snapshot operation.



This stub is responsible for performing a unquiesce. It places the application in a normal state. This is called after storage Snapshot operation.



This stub is responsible for performing pre clone tasks. This assumes that you are using the built-in SnapCenter cloning interface and also is only triggered while performing action "clone_vol or clone_lun".



This stub is responsible for performing post clone tasks. This assumes you are using the built-in SnapCenter cloning interface and also is only triggered while performing "clone_vol or clone_lun" operations.



This stub is responsible for performing pre restore tasks. This assumes you are using the built-in SnapCenter restore interface and is only triggered while performing restore operation.



This stub is responsible for performing all restore actions. This assumes you are not using built-in restore interface. It is triggered while performing restore operation.


Windows PowerShell

Check if the script can be executed on your system. If you cannot execute the script, set Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass for the script and retry the operation.

if ($args.length -ne 1) {
  write-warning "You must specify a method";
function log ($level, $message) {
  $d = get-date
  echo "SC_MSG#$level#$d#$message"
function quiesce {
  $app_name = (get-item env:APP_NAME).value
  log "INFO" "Quiescing application using script $app_name";
  log "INFO" "Quiescing application finished successfully"
function unquiesce {
  $app_name = (get-item env:APP_NAME).value
  log "INFO" "Unquiescing application using script $app_name";
  log "INFO" "Unquiescing application finished successfully"
  switch ($args[0]) {
    "-quiesce" {
"-unquiesce" {
default {
    write-error "Function $args[0] is not implemented";
    exit 99;
exit 0;