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SnapCenter Software

Create backup policies for SQL Server databases

Contributors netapp-soumikd netapp-nsriram

You can create a backup policy for the resource or the resource group before you use SnapCenter to back up SQL Server resources, or you can create a backup policy at the time you create a resource group or backup a single resource.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Settings.

  2. In the Settings page, click Policies.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Name page, enter the policy name and description.

  5. In the Policy type page, perform the following steps:

    1. Select Azure NetApp Files as the storage type.

    2. Select the backup type.

      1. Select Full Backup and Log Backup if you want to back up database files and transaction logs.

      2. Select Full Backup if you want to back up only the database files.

      3. Select Log Backup if you want to back up only the transaction logs.

      4. Select Copy Only Backup if you want to back up your resources by using another application.

    3. In the Availability Group Settings section, perform the following actions:

      1. Select Backup on preferred backup replica if you want to back up only on the replica.

      2. Select primary AG replica or the secondary AG replica for the backup.

      3. Select the backup priority.

  6. In the Snapshot and backup page, perform the following steps:

    1. Select the frequency of the scheduled backup.

    2. Specify the retention settings depending on the backup type selected.

    3. If you want to enable Azure NetApp Files backup, select Enable backup and specify the retention settings.

  7. In the Verification page, perform the following steps:

    1. In the Run verification for following backup schedules section, select the schedule frequency.

    2. In the Database consistency check options section, perform the following actions:

      1. Select Limit the integrity structure to physical structure of the database (PHYSICAL_ONLY) to limit the integrity check to the physical structure of the database and to detect torn pages, checksum failures, and common hardware failures that impact the database.

      2. Select Suppress all information messages (NO_INFOMSGS) to suppress all informational messages.

        Selected by default.

      3. Select Display all reported error messages per object (ALL_ERRORMSGS) to display all the reported errors per object.

      4. Select Do not check nonclustered indexes (NOINDEX) if you do not want to check nonclustered indexes.

        The SQL Server database uses Microsoft SQL Server Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) to check the logical and physical integrity of the objects in the database.

      5. Select Limit the checks and obtain the locks instead of using an internal database Snapshot copy (TABLOCK) to limit the checks and obtain locks instead of using an internal database Snapshot.

    3. In the Log Backup section, select Verify log backup upon completion to verify the log backup upon completion.

    4. In the Verification script settings section, enter the path and the arguments of the prescript or postscript that should be run before or after the verification operation, respectively.

  8. Review the summary and click Finish.