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SnapCenter Software

Upgrade the SnapCenter Server on Linux host

Contributors netapp-soumikd

You can use the SnapCenter Server installer file to upgrade the SnapCenter Server.


  1. Perform one of the actions to upgrade SnapCenter Server.

    If you want to perform…​ Do this…​

    Non interactive upgrade

    sudo ./snapcenter-linux-server-(el8/el9/sles15).bin -i silent -DUPGRADE=<value> -DINSTALL_LOG_NAME=<filename>

    Example: sudo ./snapcenter_linux_server.bin -i silent -DUPGRADE=1 -DINSTALL_LOG_NAME=InstallerLog.log

    Logs will be stored at /var/opt/snapcenter/logs.

    Parameters to be passed for upgrade:

    • DINSTALL_LOG_NAME: Log file name where installation logs will be stored.

    • DUPGRADE: The default value is 0. Specify this parameter and it's value as any integer other than 0 to upgrade the SnapCenter Server.

    Interactive installation


    You will be prompted for upgrade confirmation. Enter any value other than 0 to confirm SnapCenter Server upgrade.

Note You should either log out and then log into SnapCenter, or close and then open a new browser to access SnapCenter GUI.