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SnapCenter Software

Upgrade the SnapCenter Server on Windows host

Contributors netapp-soumikd netapp-nsriram

You can use the SnapCenter Server installer executable file to upgrade the SnapCenter Server.

Before you begin
  • The SnapCenter Server host must be up to date with Windows updates, with no pending system restarts.

  • You should ensure that no other operations are running before initiating the upgrade operation.

  • You should install ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0.12 (and all subsequent 8.0.x patches) Hosting Bundle and PowerShell 7.4.2 or later.

  • You should back up the SnapCenter repository (MySQL) database after ensuring that no jobs are running. This is recommended before upgrading SnapCenter Server and the Exchange plug-in.

    For information, see Back up the SnapCenter repository.

  • You should back up all the SnapCenter configuration files that you have modified either on the SnapCenter Server host or the plug-in host.

    Examples of SnapCenter configuration files: SnapDriveService.exe.config, SMCoreServiceHost.exe.config, and so on.

About this task
  • During upgrade, a SQL script is executed to update the Exchange data in NSM database, which converts the DAG and host shortname to FQDN. This is applicable only if you are using SnapCenter Server with Exchange plug-in.

  • Before initiating the upgrade operation, if you have manually placed the server host in maintenance mode, post upgrade you need to manually bring the server host out of maintenance mode by clicking Hosts > Activate Schedule.

  • For SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server, SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server, and SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows, it is recommended to upgrade both the server and the plug-in hosts to 4.7 version for the SCRIPTS_PATH to run.

    For the existing backup and verification schedules with prescripts and postscripts enabled in the policy, the backup operations will continue to work after upgrade.

    In the Job details page, a warning message recommends that the customer should copy the scripts to the SCRIPTS_PATH and edit the policy to provide a path that is relative to the SCRIPTS_PATH. For the clone lifecycle job, the warning message appears at the sub-job level.

  1. Download the SnapCenter Server installation package from the NetApp Support Site.

  2. Create a copy of the web.config located at C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter WebApp.

  3. Export the SnapCenter schedules related to plug-in host from windows task schedule so that you can use it to restore the schedules if upgrade fails.

    md d:\\SCBackup``schtasks /query /xml /TN taskname >> "D:\SCBackup\taskname.xml"

  4. Create the SnapCenter MySQL database dump if the repository backup is not configured.

    md d:\\SCBackup``mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction --add-drop-database --triggers --routines --events -u root -p > D:\SCBackup\SCRepoBackup.dmp

    When prompted, enter the password.

  5. Initiate the SnapCenter Server upgrade by double-clicking the downloaded .exe file.

    After you initiate the upgrade, all the prechecks are performed, and if the minimum requirements are not met, appropriate error or warning messages are displayed. You can ignore the warning messages and proceed with the installation. However, errors should be fixed.

    Note SnapCenter will continue to use the existing MySQL Server repository database password provided during installation of the earlier version of SnapCenter Server.
  6. Click Upgrade.

    At any stage if you click the Cancel button, the upgrade workflow will be cancelled. It will not rollback the SnapCenter Server to previous state.

    Best Practice: You should either log out and then log into SnapCenter, or close and then open a new browser to access SnapCenter GUI.

After you finish
  • If the plug-in is installed using a sudo user, you should copy the sha224 keys available at C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository\sc_unix_plugins_checksum.txt to update the /etc/sudoers file.

  • You should perform a fresh discovery of resources on the server host.

    If the status of the server host is displayed as stopped, you can wait for sometime and perform a fresh discovery. You can also change the value of HostRefreshInterval parameter (default value is 3600 seconds) to any value more than 10 minutes.

  • If the upgrade fails, you should clean up the failed installation, reinstall the earlier version of SnapCenter, and then restore the NSM database to it's previous state.

  • After upgrading the server host, you must also upgrade the plug-ins before adding any storage system.