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Astra Trident
A newer release of this product is available.

Upgrade or uninstall Astra Trident


You can safely upgrade Astra Trident for Docker without any impact to volumes that are in use. During the upgrade process there will be a brief period where docker volume commands directed at the plugin will not succeed, and applications will be unable to mount volumes until the plugin is running again. Under most circumstances, this is a matter of seconds.


Perform the steps below to upgrade Astra Trident for Docker.

  1. List the existing volumes:

    docker volume ls
    DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
    netapp:latest       my_volume
  2. Disable the plugin:

    docker plugin disable -f netapp:latest
    docker plugin ls
    ID                  NAME                DESCRIPTION                          ENABLED
    7067f39a5df5        netapp:latest       nDVP - NetApp Docker Volume Plugin   false
  3. Upgrade the plugin:

    docker plugin upgrade --skip-remote-check --grant-all-permissions netapp:latest netapp/trident-plugin:21.07
    Note The 18.01 release of Astra Trident replaces the nDVP. You should upgrade directly from the netapp/ndvp-plugin image to the netapp/trident-plugin image.
  4. Enable the plugin:

    docker plugin enable netapp:latest
  5. Verify that the plugin is enabled:

    docker plugin ls
    ID                  NAME                DESCRIPTION                             ENABLED
    7067f39a5df5        netapp:latest       Trident - NetApp Docker Volume Plugin   true
  6. Verify that the volumes are visible:

    docker volume ls
    DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
    netapp:latest       my_volume
    Important If you are upgrading from an old version of Astra Trident (pre-20.10) to Astra Trident 20.10 or later, you might run into an error. For more information, see Known Issues. If you run into the error, you should first disable the plugin, then remove the plugin, and then install the required Astra Trident version by passing an extra config parameter: docker plugin install netapp/trident-plugin:20.10 --alias netapp --grant-all-permissions config=config.json


Perform the steps below to uninstall Astra Trident for Docker.

  1. Remove any volumes that the plugin created.

  2. Disable the plugin:

    docker plugin disable netapp:latest
    docker plugin ls
    ID                  NAME                DESCRIPTION                          ENABLED
    7067f39a5df5        netapp:latest       nDVP - NetApp Docker Volume Plugin   false
  3. Remove the plugin:

    docker plugin rm netapp:latest