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Use Trident protect AppVault objects to manage buckets

Contributors netapp-mwallis

The bucket custom resource (CR) for Trident protect is known as an AppVault. AppVault objects are the declarative Kubernetes workflow representation of a storage bucket. An AppVault CR contains the configurations necessary for a bucket to be used in protection operations, such as backups, snapshots, restore operations, and SnapMirror replication. Only administrators can create AppVaults.

Configure AppVault authentication and passwords

Before you create an AppVault object, you need to ensure the AppVault and the data mover you choose can authenticate with the provider and any related resources.

Data mover repository passwords

When you create AppVault objects using CRs or the Trident protect CLI plugin, you can optionally instruct Trident protect to use a Kubernetes secret that contains custom passwords for the Restic and Kopia repository encryption. If you don't specify a secret, Trident protect uses a default password.

  • When manually creating AppVault CRs, you can use the spec.dataMoverPasswordSecretRef field to specify the secret.

  • When creating AppVault objects using the Trident protect CLI, you can use the --data-mover-password-secret-ref argument to specify the secret.

Create a data mover repository password secret

Use the following examples to create the password secret. When you create AppVault objects, you can instruct Trident protect to use this secret to authenticate with the data mover repository.

Note Depending on which data mover you are using, you only need to include the corresponding password for that data mover. For example, if you are using Restic and do not plan to use Kopia in the future, you can include only the Restic password when you create the secret.
apiVersion: v1
  KOPIA_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-password>
  RESTIC_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-password>
kind: Secret
  name: my-optional-data-mover-secret
  namespace: trident-protect
type: Opaque

AppVault key generation examples for cloud providers

When defining an AppVault CR, you need to include credentials to access the resources hosted by the provider. How you generate the keys for the credentials will differ depending on the provider. The following are command line key generation examples for several providers. You can use the following examples to create keys for the credentials of each cloud provider.

kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> \
--from-file=credentials=<mycreds-file.json> \
-n trident-protect

AppVault creation examples

The following are example AppVault definitions for each provider.

AppVault CR examples

You can use the following CR examples to create AppVault objects for each cloud provider.

  • You can optionally specify a Kubernetes secret that contains custom passwords for the Restic and Kopia repository encryption. Refer to Data mover repository passwords for more information.

  • For Amazon S3 (AWS) AppVault objects, you can optionally specify a sessionToken, which is useful if you are using single sign-on (SSO) for authentication. This token is created when you generate keys for the provider in AppVault key generation examples for cloud providers.

  • For S3 AppVault objects, you can optionally specify an egress proxy URL for outbound S3 traffic using the spec.providerConfig.S3.proxyURL key.

kind: AppVault
  name: gcp-trident-protect-src-bucket
  namespace: trident-protect
  dataMoverPasswordSecretRef: my-optional-data-mover-secret
  providerType: GCP
      bucketName: trident-protect-src-bucket
      projectID: project-id
        key: credentials
        name: gcp-trident-protect-src-bucket-secret

AppVault creation examples using the Trident protect CLI

You can use the following CLI command examples to create AppVault CRs for each provider.

  • You can optionally specify a Kubernetes secret that contains custom passwords for the Restic and Kopia repository encryption. Refer to Data mover repository passwords for more information.

  • For S3 AppVault objects, you can optionally specify an egress proxy URL for outbound S3 traffic using the --proxy-url <ip_address:port> argument.

tridentctl-protect create vault GCP <vault-name> \
--bucket <mybucket> \
--project <my-gcp-project> \
--secret <secret-name>/credentials \
--data-mover-password-secret-ref <my-optional-data-mover-secret> \
-n trident-protect

View AppVault information

You can use the Trident protect CLI plugin to view information about AppVault objects that you have created on the cluster.

  1. View the contents of an AppVault object:

    tridentctl-protect get appvaultcontent gcp-vault \
    --show-resources all \
    -n trident-protect

    Example output:

    |   CLUSTER   |  APP  |   TYPE   |            NAME             |         TIMESTAMP         |
    |             | mysql | snapshot | mysnap                      | 2024-08-09 21:02:11 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | snapshot | hourly-e7db6-20240815180300 | 2024-08-15 18:03:06 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | snapshot | hourly-e7db6-20240815190300 | 2024-08-15 19:03:06 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | snapshot | hourly-e7db6-20240815200300 | 2024-08-15 20:03:06 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | backup   | hourly-e7db6-20240815180300 | 2024-08-15 18:04:25 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | backup   | hourly-e7db6-20240815190300 | 2024-08-15 19:03:30 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | backup   | hourly-e7db6-20240815200300 | 2024-08-15 20:04:21 (UTC) |
    | production1 | mysql | backup   | mybackup5                   | 2024-08-09 22:25:13 (UTC) |
    |             | mysql | backup   | mybackup                    | 2024-08-09 21:02:52 (UTC) |
  2. Optionally, to see the AppVaultPath for each resource, use the flag --show-paths.

    The cluster name in the first column of the table is only available if a cluster name was specified in the Trident protect helm installation. For example: --set clusterName=production1.

Remove an AppVault

You can remove an AppVault object at any time.

Note Do not remove the finalizers key in the AppVault CR before deleting the AppVault object. If you do so, it can result in residual data in the AppVault bucket and orphaned resources in the cluster.
Before you begin

Ensure that you have deleted all snapshot and backup CRs being used by the AppVault you want to delete.

  1. Remove the AppVault object, replacing appvault-name with the name of the AppVault object to remove:

    kubectl delete appvault <appvault-name> \
    -n trident-protect