View potential risks in ONTAP storage using the Alerts list page
The BlueXP alerts service provides at-a-glance information about the potential risks in your ONTAP environment. You can quickly identify ONTAP clusters that have low capacity or low performance, gauge the extent of availability, determine availability, and identify security risks.
The BlueXP alerts service provides information about these severities and impact areas:
Severities: Critical, Warning, Informational
Impact areas: Capacity, Performance, Availability, Protection, Security, Configuration
Alerts you might see
Here are some of the alerts that the service displays.
The EMS severity maps to the BlueXP alerts service severity in the following ways:
EMS alert severity: | BlueXP alert severity: |
alert or emergency |
critical |
error |
None |
Low |
warning |
notice |
informational |
informational |
informational |
List of alerts
Critical severity alerts:
Aggregate state is not online
Disk failure
SnapMirror lag time is high
Volume state offline
Volume used percentage breach
EMS alerts:
Antivirus server busy
AWS credentials not initialized
Cloud tier unreachable
Disk out of service
Disk shelf power supply discovered
Disk shelves power supply removed
FabricPool mirror replication resync completed
FabricPool space usage limit nearly reached
FabricPool space usage limit reached
FC target port commands exceeded
Giveback of storage pool failed
HA interconnect down
LUN destroyed
LUN offline
Main unit fan failed
Main unit fan in warning state
Max sessions per user exceeded
Max times open per file exceeded
MetroCluster automatic unplanned switchover disabled
MetroCluster monitoring
NetBIOS name conflict
NFSv4 sore pool exhausted
Node panic
Node root volume space low
Nonexistent admin share
Non-responsive antivirus server
No registered scan engine
No Vscan connection
NVMe namespace destroyed
NVMe namespace offline
NVMe namespace online
NVMe-oF license grace period active
NVMe-oF license grace period expired
NVMe-oF license grace period start
NVRAM battery low
Object store host unresolvable
Object store Intercluster LIF down
Object store signature mismatch
QoS monitor memory maxed out
Ransomware activity detected
Relocation of storage pool failed
ONTAP Mediator added
ONTAP Mediator not accessible
ONTAP Mediator unreachable
ONTAP Mediator removed
READDIR timeout
SAN "active-active" state changed
Service processor heartbeat missed
Service processor heartbeat stopped
Service processor offline
Service processor not configured
Shadow copy failed
SFP in FC target adapter receiving low power
SFP in FC target adapter transmitting low power
Shelf fan failed
SMBC CA certificate expired
SMBC CA certificate expiring
SMBC client certificate expired
SMBC client certificate expiring
SMBC relationship out of sync
SMBC server certificate expired
SMBC server certificate expiring
SnapMirror relationship out of sync
Storage switch power supplies failed
Storage VM anti-ransomware monitoring
Storage VM stop succeeded
System cannot operate due to main unit fan failure
Too many CIFS authentications
Unassigned disks
Unauthorized user access to admin share
Virus detected
Volume anti-ransomware monitoring
Volume automatic resizing succeeded
Volume offline
Volume restricted
For details on ONTAP alerts, refer to the ONTAP documentation and ONTAP System Manager insights at ONTAP System Manager insights into capacity, security, and configuration issues.
View ONTAP storage issues
From the BlueXP left navigation, select Monitoring > Alerts.
After discovery, the Alerts list page shows a list of alerts in your ONTAP environment.
There might be a delay between an event happening and BlueXP alerts showing it.
From the Alerts list page, you can view and do any of the following:
Change the sort order by clicking the up or down arrow for a column.
Change the filter in the columns to show only the information you want.
For example, you might want to see only those alerts related to capacity. To do so, click on the filter icon on the Impact area column, select Capacity, and select Apply. -
Download a CSV file containing the alerts information.
You can download up to 1000 alerts. The file includes data based on the filters that were set.
Select an alert and drill into the alert details on that cluster. See View alert details.