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Create the S3 bucket lifecycle rule configuration


POST /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/buckets/{s3_bucket.uuid}/rules

Introduced In: 9.13

Creates the S3 bucket lifecycle rule configuration.

Required properties

  • name - Lifecycle Management rule to be created.

  • actions - Lifecycle Management actions associated with the rule.

  • enabled - Lifecycle Management rule is enabled or not.

  • object_filter.prefix - Lifecycle Management rule filter prefix.

  • object_filter.tags - Lifecycle Management rule filter tags.

  • object_filter.size_greater_than - Lifecycle Management rule filter minimum object size.

  • object_filter.size_less_than - Lifecycle Management rule filter maximum object size.

  • object_age_days - Number of days since creation after which objects can be deleted.

  • object_expiry_date - Specific date from when objects can expire.

  • expired_object_delete_marker - Cleanup object delete markers.

  • new_non_current_versions - Number of latest non-current versions to be retained.

  • non_current_days - Number of days after which non-current versions can be deleted.

  • after_initiation_days - Number of days of initiation after which uploads can be aborted.

  • vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule create


Name Type In Required Description





Unique identifier of a bucket.





The number of seconds to allow the call to execute before returning. When doing a POST, PATCH, or DELETE operation on a single record, the default is 0 seconds. This means that if an asynchronous operation is started, the server immediately returns HTTP code 202 (Accepted) along with a link to the job. If a non-zero value is specified for POST, PATCH, or DELETE operations, ONTAP waits that length of time to see if the job completes so it can return something other than 202.

  • Default value: 1

  • Max value: 120

  • Min value: 0





The default is false. If set to true, the records are returned.

  • Default value:





UUID of the SVM to which this object belongs.

  • Introduced in: 9.14

Request Body

Name Type Description





Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags.



Specifies the name of the bucket. Bucket name is a string that can only contain the following combination of ASCII-range alphanumeric characters 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-".



Specifies whether or not the associated rule is enabled.



Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.



Bucket lifecycle management rule identifier. The length of the name can range from 0 to 256 characters.



Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.



Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket.



Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists.



Specifies the unique identifier of the bucket.

Example request
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/resourcelink"
  "abort_incomplete_multipart_upload": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
  "bucket_name": "bucket1",
  "expiration": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
    "object_expiry_date": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "non_current_version_expiration": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
  "object_filter": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
    "prefix": "/logs",
    "size_greater_than": 10240,
    "size_less_than": 10485760,
    "tags": [
  "svm": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
    "name": "svm1",
    "uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
  "uuid": "414b29a1-3b26-11e9-bd58-0050568ea055"


Status: 202, Accepted
Name Type Description



Example response
  "job": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
    "uuid": "string"


Name Description Type


Useful for tracking the resource location



Status: 201, Created


Status: Default

ONTAP Error Response Codes

Error code Message


"The specified SVM UUID or bucket UUID does not exist.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid because of the number of tags specified. The maximum number of tags supported is four.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid because there is a mismatch in one of the filter-field. Filters must be the same for a particular rule identifier.";


"The Expiration action requires specifying either object_expiry_date, object_age_days or expired_object_delete_marker.";


"The NonCurrentVersionExpiration action requires either new_non_current_versions or non_current_days.";


"The AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload action requires after_initiation_days.";


"The Expiration action cannot have both an expiry date and an age.";


"Using Lifecycle Management rules requires an effective cluster version of 9.13.1 .";


"One or more object store buckets exist with Lifecycle Management rules. To list the buckets, run the vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule show command. To delete the buckets, use the vserver object-store-server bucket delete command.";


"The AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload action cannot be specified with tags.";


"Expired object delete marker cannot be specified with tags.";


"Expired object delete marker cannot be specified with object age days or expiry date.";


"Expiration is supported on object store volumes only, bucket on Vserver is not an object store volume.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid because specified tags contain one or more invalid characters. Valid characters for a tag are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, +, -, =, ., _, :, /, @.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid because specified tag length is greater than maximum allowed length: {1}.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver has tags with duplicate keys. Ensure each tag has a unique key and try the operation again.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver has a prefix that is too long. The maximum length of the prefix is 1024 characters.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid because the minimum object size is larger than the maximum object size.";


"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver cannot be created because non_current_days must be specified when new_non_current_versions is specified.";


"Lifecycle Management rule "" for bucket "" in SVM "" requires "object_age_days" to be greater than zero."; //end row //start row

92406132 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule "" for bucket "" in SVM "" requires "new_non_current_versions" to be greater than zero."; //end row //start row

92406132 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule "" for bucket "" in SVM "" requires "after_initiation_days" to be greater than zero."; //end row //start row

92406133 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid. The object_expiry_date must be later than January 1, 1970."; //end row //start row

92406134 //end row //start row

"Cannot exceed the max limit of 1000 Lifecycle Management rules per bucket."; //end row //start row

92406135 //end row //start row

"MetroCluster is configured on cluster. Object Expiration is not supported in a MetroCluster configuration."; //end row //start row

92406136 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver is invalid. The object_expiry_date must be at midnight GMT."; //end row //start row

92406139 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver with action is a stale entry. Contact technical support for assistance."; //end row //start row

92406140 //end row //start row

"Expired object delete marker must be enabled to create a Lifecycle Management rule."; //end row //start row

92406141 //end row //start row

"Lifecycle Management rule for bucket in Vserver with action cannot have expired_object_delete_marker disabled. To disable expired_object_delete_marker, run vserver object-store-server bucket lifecycle-management-rule delete"; //end row //start row

92406143 //end row //start row

"As part of Bucket Lifecycle, cannot create fabriclink relationship on bucket "" in SVM "". Reason : ."; //end row //start row

92406144 //end row //start row

"The "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload" action cannot be specified with object size."; //end row //start row

92406150 //end row //start row

""expired_object_delete_marker" cannot be specified with "size_less_than"."; //end row

|Name |Type |Description

|error |returned_error a|

.Example error [%collapsible%closed] ==== [source,json,subs=+macros] { "error": { "arguments": [ { "code": "string", "message": "string" } ], "code": "4", "message": "entry doesn't exist", "target": "uuid" } } ====

== Definitions

[.api-def-first-level] .See Definitions [%collapsible%closed] ==== [#href] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] href


|Name |Type |Description

|href |string a|

[#_links] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] _links


|Name |Type |Description

|self |href a|

[#abort_incomplete_multipart_upload] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] abort_incomplete_multipart_upload

Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|after_initiation_days |integer a|Number of days of initiation after which uploads can be aborted.

[#expiration] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] expiration

Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|expired_object_delete_marker |boolean a|Cleanup object delete markers.

|object_age_days |integer a|Number of days since creation after which objects can be deleted. This cannot be used along with object_expiry_date.

|object_expiry_date |string a|Specific date from when objects can expire. This cannot be used with object_age_days.

[#non_current_version_expiration] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] non_current_version_expiration

Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|new_non_current_versions |integer a|Number of latest non-current versions to be retained.

|non_current_days |integer a|Number of days after which non-current versions can be deleted.

[#object_filter] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] object_filter

Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|prefix |string a|A prefix that is matched against object-names within a bucket.

|size_greater_than |integer a|Size of the object greater than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied.

|size_less_than |integer a|Size of the object smaller than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied.

|tags |array[string] a|An array of key-value paired tags of the form or <tag=value>.

[#svm] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] svm

Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|name |string a|The name of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.

|uuid |string a|The unique identifier of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.

[#s3_bucket_lifecycle_rule] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_bucket_lifecycle_rule

Information about the lifecycle management rule of a bucket.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|abort_incomplete_multipart_upload |abort_incomplete_multipart_upload a|Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags.

|bucket_name |string a|Specifies the name of the bucket. Bucket name is a string that can only contain the following combination of ASCII-range alphanumeric characters 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-".

|enabled |boolean a|Specifies whether or not the associated rule is enabled.

|expiration |expiration a|Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.

|name |string a|Bucket lifecycle management rule identifier. The length of the name can range from 0 to 256 characters.

|non_current_version_expiration |non_current_version_expiration a|Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.

|object_filter |object_filter a|Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket.

|svm |svm a|Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists.

|uuid |string a|Specifies the unique identifier of the bucket.

[#job_link] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] job_link


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|uuid |string a|The UUID of the asynchronous job that is triggered by a POST, PATCH, or DELETE operation.

[#error_arguments] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] error_arguments


|Name |Type |Description

|code |string a|Argument code

|message |string a|Message argument

[#returned_error] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] returned_error


|Name |Type |Description

|arguments |array[error_arguments] a|Message arguments

|code |string a|Error code

|message |string a|Error message

|target |string a|The target parameter that caused the error.
