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ONTAP 9.14.1 REST API reference
A newer release of this product is available.

Storage namespaces endpoint overview



An NVMe namespace is a collection of addressable logical blocks presented to hosts connected to the storage virtual machine using the NVMe over Fabrics protocol.

The NVMe namespace REST API allows you to create, update, delete and discover NVMe namespaces.

In ONTAP, an NVMe namespace is located within a volume. Optionally, it can be located within a qtree in a volume.

An NVMe namespace is created to a specified size using thin or thick provisioning as determined by the volume on which it is created. NVMe namespaces support being cloned. An NVMe namespace cannot be renamed, resized, or moved to a different volume. NVMe namespaces do not support the assignment of a QoS policy for performance management, but a QoS policy can be assigned to the volume containing the namespace. See the NVMe namespace object model to learn more about each of the properties supported by the NVMe namespace REST API.

An NVMe namespace must be mapped to an NVMe subsystem to grant access to the subsystem's hosts. Hosts can then access the NVMe namespace and perform I/O using the NVMe over Fabrics protocol.

Performance monitoring

Performance of an NVMe namespace can be monitored by observing the metric.* and statistics.* properties. These properties show the performance of an NVMe namespace in terms of IOPS, latency, and throughput. The metric.* properties denote an average, whereas statistics.* properties denote a real-time monotonically increasing value aggregated across all nodes.


Creating an NVMe namespace

This example creates a 300 gigabyte NVMe namespace, with 4096-byte blocks, in SVM svm1, volume vol1, configured for use by linux hosts. The return_records query parameter is used to retrieve properties of the newly created NVMe namespace in the POST response.

# The API:
POST /api/storage/namespaces

# The call:
curl -X POST 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces?return_records=true' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' -d '{ "svm": { "name": "svm1" }, "os_type": "linux", "space": { "block_size": "4096", "size": "300G" }, "name" : "/vol/vol1/namespace1" }'

# The response:
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
    "uuid": "dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669",
    "svm": {
      "uuid": "6bf967fd-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d",
      "name": "svm1",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/svm/svms/6bf967fd-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d"
    "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace1",
    "location": {
      "namespace": "namespace1",
      "volume": {
        "uuid": "71cd0dba-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d",
        "name": "vol1",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/api/storage/volumes/71cd0dba-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d"
    "enabled": true,
    "os_type": "linux",
    "space": {
      "block_size": 4096,
      "size": 322122547200,
      "used": 0,
      "guarantee": {
        "requested": false,
        "reserved": false
    "status": {
      "container_state": "online",
      "read_only": false,
      "state": "online"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669"

Updating an NVMe namespace comment

This example sets the comment property of an NVMe namespace.

# The API:
PATCH /api/storage/namespaces/{uuid}

# The call:

Updating the size of an NVMe namespace

This example increases the size of an NVMe namespace.

# The API:
PATCH /api/storage/namespaces/{uuid}

# The call:
curl -X PATCH 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' -d '{ "space": { "size": "1073741824" } }'

Retrieving NVMe namespaces

This example retrieves summary information for all online NVMe namespaces in SVM svm1. The and status.state query parameters are to find the desired NVMe namespaces.

# The API:
GET /api/storage/namespaces

# The call:
curl -X GET 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces?' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json'

# The response:
"records": [
    "uuid": "5c254d22-96a6-42ac-aad8-0cd9ebd126b6",
    "svm": {
      "name": "svm1"
    "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace2",
    "status": {
      "state": "online"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/storage/namespaces/5c254d22-96a6-42ac-aad8-0cd9ebd126b6"
    "uuid": "dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669",
    "svm": {
      "name": "svm1"
    "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace1",
    "status": {
      "state": "online"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669"
    "uuid": "be732687-20cf-47d2-a0e2-2a989d15661d",
    "svm": {
      "name": "svm1"
    "name": "/vol/vol2/namespace3",
    "status": {
      "state": "online"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/storage/namespaces/be732687-20cf-47d2-a0e2-2a989d15661d"
"num_records": 3,
"_links": {
  "self": {
    "href": "/api/storage/namespaces?"

Retrieving details for a specific NVMe namespace

In this example, the fields query parameter is used to request all fields, including advanced fields, that would not otherwise be returned by default for the NVMe namespace.

# The API:
GET /api/storage/namespaces/{uuid}

# The call:
curl -X GET 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669?fields=**' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json'

# The response:
"uuid": "dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669",
"svm": {
  "uuid": "6bf967fd-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d",
  "name": "svm1",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/svm/svms/6bf967fd-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d"
"name": "/vol/vol1/namespace1",
"location": {
  "namespace": "namespace1",
  "volume": {
    "uuid": "71cd0dba-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d",
    "name": "vol1",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/storage/volumes/71cd0dba-2a1c-11e9-b682-005056bbc17d"
"auto_delete": false,
"enabled": true,
"comment": "Data for the research department.",
"os_type": "linux",
"space": {
  "block_size": 4096,
  "size": 322122547200,
  "used": 0,
  "guarantee": {
    "requested": false,
    "reserved": false
"status": {
  "container_state": "online",
  "mapped": true,
  "read_only": false,
  "state": "online"
"subsystem_map": {
  "nsid": "00000001h",
  "anagrpid": "00000001h",
  "subsystem": {
    "uuid": "01f17d05-2be9-11e9-bed2-005056bbc17d",
    "name": "subsystem1",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/protocols/nvme/subsystems/01f17d05-2be9-11e9-bed2-005056bbc17d"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/protocols/nvme/subsystem-maps/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669/01f17d05-2be9-11e9-bed2-005056bbc17d"
"metric": {
  "timestamp": "2019-04-09T05:50:15Z",
  "duration": "PT15S",
  "status": "ok",
  "latency": {
    "other": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0
  "iops": {
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0,
    "other": 0,
    "total": 0
  "throughput": {
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0,
    "total": 0
"statistics": {
  "timestamp": "2019-04-09T05:50:42Z",
  "status": "ok",
  "latency_raw": {
    "other": 38298,
    "total": 38298,
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0
  "iops_raw": {
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0,
    "other": 3,
    "total": 3
  "throughput_raw": {
    "read": 0,
    "write": 0,
    "total": 0
"_links": {
  "self": {
    "href": "/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669?fields=**"

Cloning NVMe namespaces

A clone of an NVMe namespace is an independent "copy" of the namespace that shares unchanged data blocks with the original. As blocks of the source and clone are modified, unique blocks are written for each. NVMe namespace clones can be created quickly and consume very little space initially. They can be created for the purpose of back-up, or to replicate data for multiple consumers.

An NVMe namespace clone can also be set to auto-delete by setting the auto_delete property. If the namespace's volume is configured for automatic deletion, NVMe namespaces that have auto-delete enabled are deleted when a volume is nearly full to reclaim a target amount of free space in the volume.

Creating a new NVMe namespace clone

You create an NVMe namespace clone as you create any NVMe namespace — a POST to /storage/namespaces. Set clone.source.uuid or to identify the source NVMe namespace from which the clone is created. The NVMe namespace clone and its source must reside in the same volume.

The source NVMe namespace can reside in a Snapshot copy, in which case, the field must be used to identify it. Add /.snapshot/<snapshot_name> to the path after the volume name to identify the Snapshot copy. For example /vol/vol1/.snapshot/snap1/namespace1.

# The API:
POST /api/storage/namespaces

# The call:
curl -X POST 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' -d '{ "svm": { "name": "svm1" }, "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace2clone1", "clone": { "source": { "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace2" } } }'

Over-writing an existing NVMe namespace's data as a clone of another

You can over-write an existing NVMe namespace as a clone of another. You do this as a PATCH on the NVMe namespace to overwrite — a PATCH to /storage/namespaces/{uuid}. Set the clone.source.uuid or property to identify the source NVMe namespace from which the clone data is taken. The NVMe namespace clone and its source must reside in the same volume.

When used in a PATCH, the patched NVMe namespace's data is over-written as a clone of the source and the following properties are preserved from the patched namespace unless otherwise specified as part of the PATCH: auto_delete, subsystem_map, status.state, and uuid.

# The API:
PATCH /api/storage/namespaces/{uuid}

# The call:
curl -X PATCH 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces/dccdc3e6-cf4e-498f-bec6-f7897f945669' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' -d '{ "clone": { "source": { "name": "/vol/vol1/namespace2" } } }'

Converting a LUN into an NVMe namespace

An existing LUN can be converted in-place to an NVMe namespace with no modification to the data blocks. In other words, there is no additional copy created for the data blocks. There are certain requirements when converting a LUN to an NVMe namespace. For instance, the LUN should not be mapped to an initiator group, or exist as a protocol endpoint LUN, or in a foreign LUN import relationship. If the LUN exists as a VM volume, it should not be bound to a protocol endpoint LUN. Furthermore, only LUN with a supported operating system type for NVMe namespace can be converted.

The conversion process updates the metadata to the LUN, making it an NVMe namespace. The conversion is both time and space efficient. After conversion, the new namespace behaves as a regular namespace and may be mapped to an NVMe subsystem.

Convert a LUN into an NVMe namespace

You convert a LUN into an NVMe namespace by calling a POST to /storage/namespaces. Set convert.lun.uuid or to identify the source LUN which is to be converted in-place into an NVMe namespace.

# The API:
POST /api/storage/namespaces

# The call:
curl -X POST 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' -d '{ "svm": { "name": "svm1" }, "convert": { "lun": { "name": "/vol/vol1/lun1" } } }'

Deleting an NVMe namespace

# The API:
DELETE /api/storage/namespaces/{uuid}

# The call:
curl -X DELETE 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/namespaces/5c254d22-96a6-42ac-aad8-0cd9ebd126b6' -H 'Accept: application/hal+json'