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You can perform a nondisruptive upgrade from a NetApp AFF A250 system to an NetApp AFF A400 system by converting each AFF A250 node to an NS224 drive shelf and then connecting to the AFF A400 replacement nodes.

About this task

In this procedure, the AFF A250 high-availability (HA) pair controllers are called node1 and node2, and the replacement AFF A400 HA pair controllers are called node3 and node4.

Before converting AFF A250 node2 to a drive shelf, you migrate the logical interfaces (LIFs) and data aggregates on node2 to node1.

You convert AFF A250 node2 to an NS224 drive shelf and then connect to AFF A400 node4 before reassigning drives from node2 to node4.

After converting AFF A250 node2 to an NS224 drive shelf and connecting to AFF A400 node4, you reassign the drives that previously belonged to node2 to node4

Before converting AFF A250 node1 to a drive shelf, you migrate the data aggregates, epsilon, and LIFs on node1 to AFF A400 node4.

Convert AFF A250 node1 to an NS224 drive shelf and then connect to AFF A400 node3 before reassigning drives from node1 to node3.

After converting AFF A250 node1 to an NS224 drive shelf and connecting to AFF A400 node3, you reassign the drives that previously belonged to node1 to node3.

To complete the upgrade, you connect node3 to node4 and then migrate the data LIFs and data aggregates on node4 to node3.