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Deploy Trident operator using Helm (Offline mode)

Contributors juliantap

You can deploy the Trident operator and install Astra Trident using Helm. This process applies to installations where the container images required by Astra Trident are stored in a private registry. If you do not have a private image registry, use the process for standard deployment.

Critical information about Astra Trident 23.01

You must read the following critical information about Astra Trident.

Critical information about Astra Trident
  • Kubernetes 1.26 is now supported in Trident. Upgrade Trident prior to upgrading Kubernetes.

  • Astra Trident strictly enforces the use of multipathing configuration in SAN environments, with a recommended value of find_multipaths: no in multipath.conf file.

    Use of non-multipathing configuration or use of find_multipaths: yes or find_multipaths: smart value in multipath.conf file will result in mount failures. Trident has recommended the use of find_multipaths: no since the 21.07 release.

Deploy the Trident operator and install Astra Trident using Helm

Using the Trident Helm Chart you can deploy the Trident operator and install Trident in one step.

Review the installation overview to ensure you've met installation prerequisites and selected the correct installation option for your environment.

Before you begin

In addition to the deployment prerequisites you need Helm version 3.

  1. Add the Astra Trident Helm repository:

    helm repo add netapp-trident
  2. Use helm install and specify a name for your deployment and image registry location. Your Trident and CSI images can be located in one registry or different registries, but all CSI images must be located in the same registry. In the examples, 23.01.1 is the version of Astra Trident you are installing.

    Images in one registry
    helm install <name> netapp-trident/trident-operator --version 23.01.1 --set imageRegistry=<your-registry> --create-namespace --namespace <trident-namespace>
    Images in different registries

    You must append sig-storage to the imageRegistry to use different registry locations.

    helm install <name> netapp-trident/trident-operator --version 23.01.1 --set imageRegistry=<your-registry>/sig-storage --set operatorImage=<your-registry>/netapp/trident-operator:23.01.1 --set tridentAutosupportImage=<your-registry>/netapp/trident-autosupport:23.01 --set tridentImage=<your-registry>/netapp/trident:23.01.1 --create-namespace --namespace <trident-namespace>
    Note If you already created a namespace for Trident, the --create-namespace parameter will not create an additional namespace.

You can use helm list to review installation details such as name, namespace, chart, status, app version, and revision number.

Pass configuration data during install

There are two ways to pass configuration data during the install:

Option Description

--values (or -f)

Specify a YAML file with overrides. This can be specified multiple times and the rightmost file will take precedence.


Specify overrides on the command line.

For example, to change the default value of debug, run the following --set command where 23.01.1 is the version of Astra Trident you are installing:

helm install <name> netapp-trident/trident-operator --version 23.01.1  --create-namespace --namespace --set tridentDebug=true

Configuration options

This table and the values.yaml file, which is part of the Helm chart, provide the list of keys and their default values.

Option Description Default


Node labels for pod assignment


Pod annotations


Deployment annotations


Tolerations for pod assignment


Affinity for pod assignment


Additional node selectors for pods. Refer to Understanding controller pods and node pods for details.


Overrides Kubernetes tolerations for pods. Refer to Understanding controller pods and node pods for details.


Additional node selectors for pods. Refer to Understanding controller pods and node pods for details.


Overrides Kubernetes tolerations for pods. Refer to Understanding controller pods and node pods for details.


Identifies the registry for the trident-operator, trident, and other images. Leave empty to accept the default.



Sets the image pull policy for the trident-operator.



Sets the image pull secrets for the trident-operator, trident, and other images.


Allows overriding the host location of kubelet's internal state.



Allows the log level of the Trident operator to be set to: trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.



Allows the log level of the Trident operator to be set to debug.



Allows the complete override of the image for trident-operator.



Allows overriding the tag of the trident-operator image.



Allows enabling Astra Trident to work in IPv6 clusters.



Overrides the default 30-second timeout for most Kubernetes API operations (if non-zero, in seconds).



Overrides the default 90-second timeout for the HTTP requests, with 0s being an infinite duration for the timeout. Negative values are not allowed.



Allows disabling Astra Trident periodic AutoSupport reporting.



Allows overriding the tag of the image for Astra Trident AutoSupport container.



Allows Astra Trident AutoSupport container to phone home via an HTTP proxy.



Sets the Astra Trident logging format (text or json).



Disables Astra Trident audit logger.



Allows the log level of Astra Trident to be set to: trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.



Allows the log level of Astra Trident to be set to debug.



Allows specific Astra Trident workflows to be enabled for trace logging or log suppression.



Allows specific Astra Trident layers to be enabled for trace logging or log suppression.



Allows the complete override of the image for Astra Trident.



Allows overriding the tag of the image for Astra Trident.



Allows overriding the default port used for Kubernetes liveness/readiness probes.



Allows Astra Trident to be installed on Windows worker node.



Allows enabling the force detach feature.



Excludes the operator pod security policy from creation.


Understanding controller pods and node pods

Astra Trident runs as a single controller pod, plus a node pod on each worker node in the cluster. The node pod must be running on any host where you want to potentially mount an Astra Trident volume.

Kubernetes node selectors and tolerations and taints are used to constrain a pod to run on a specific or preferred node. Using the`ControllerPlugin` and NodePlugin, you can specify constraints and overrides.

  • The controller plugin handles volume provisioning and management, such as snapshots and resizing.

  • The node plugin handles attaching the storage to the node.