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Astra Trident
A newer release of this product is available.

What's next?

Contributors juliantap

After you install Astra Trident, you can proceed with creating a backend, creating a storage class, provisioning a volume, and mounting the volume in a pod.

Step 1: Create a backend

You can now go ahead and create a backend that will be used by Astra Trident to provision volumes. To do this, create a backend.json file that contains the necessary parameters. Sample configuration files for different backend types can be found in the sample-input directory.

See here for more details about how to configure the file for your backend type.

cp sample-input/<backend template>.json backend.json
vi backend.json
./tridentctl -n trident create backend -f backend.json
|    NAME     | STORAGE DRIVER |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| nas-backend | ontap-nas      | 98e19b74-aec7-4a3d-8dcf-128e5033b214 | online |       0 |

If the creation fails, something was wrong with the backend configuration. You can view the logs to determine the cause by running the following command:

./tridentctl -n trident logs

After you address the problem, simply go back to the beginning of this step and try again. For more troubleshooting tips, see the troubleshooting section.

Step 2: Create a storage class

Kubernetes users provision volumes by using persistent volume claims (PVCs) that specify a storage class by name. The details are hidden from the users, but a storage class identifies the provisioner that is used for that class (in this case, Trident), and what that class means to the provisioner.

Create a storage class Kubernetes users will specify when they want a volume. The configuration of the class needs to model the backend that you created in the previous step, so that Astra Trident will use it to provision new volumes.

The simplest storage class to start with is one based on the sample-input/storage-class-csi.yaml.templ file that comes with the installer, replacing BACKEND_TYPE with the storage driver name.

./tridentctl -n trident get backend
|    NAME     | STORAGE DRIVER |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| nas-backend | ontap-nas      | 98e19b74-aec7-4a3d-8dcf-128e5033b214 | online |       0 |

cp sample-input/storage-class-csi.yaml.templ sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml

# Modify __BACKEND_TYPE__ with the storage driver field above (e.g., ontap-nas)
vi sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml

This is a Kubernetes object, so you use kubectl to create it in Kubernetes.

kubectl create -f sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml

You should now see a basic-csi storage class in both Kubernetes and Astra Trident, and Astra Trident should have discovered the pools on the backend.

kubectl get sc basic-csi
NAME         PROVISIONER             AGE
basic-csi   15h

./tridentctl -n trident get storageclass basic-csi -o json
  "items": [
      "Config": {
        "version": "1",
        "name": "basic-csi",
        "attributes": {
          "backendType": "ontap-nas"
        "storagePools": null,
        "additionalStoragePools": null
      "storage": {
        "ontapnas_10.0.0.1": [

Step 3: Provision your first volume

Now you are ready to dynamically provision your first volume. This is done by creating a Kubernetes persistent volume claim (PVC) object.

Create a PVC for a volume that uses the storage class that you just created.

See sample-input/pvc-basic-csi.yaml for an example. Make sure the storage class name matches the one that you created.

kubectl create -f sample-input/pvc-basic-csi.yaml

kubectl get pvc --watch
NAME      STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES  STORAGECLASS   AGE
basic     Pending                                                                       basic          1s
basic     Pending   pvc-3acb0d1c-b1ae-11e9-8d9f-5254004dfdb7   0                        basic          5s
basic     Bound     pvc-3acb0d1c-b1ae-11e9-8d9f-5254004dfdb7   1Gi        RWO           basic          7s

Step 4: Mount the volumes in a pod

Now let us mount the volume. We will launch an nginx pod that mounts the PV under /usr/share/nginx/html.

cat << EOF > task-pv-pod.yaml
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: task-pv-pod
    - name: task-pv-storage
       claimName: basic
    - name: task-pv-container
      image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
          name: "http-server"
        - mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
          name: task-pv-storage
kubectl create -f task-pv-pod.yaml
# Wait for the pod to start
kubectl get pod --watch

# Verify that the volume is mounted on /usr/share/nginx/html
kubectl exec -it task-pv-pod -- df -h /usr/share/nginx/html

# Delete the pod
kubectl delete pod task-pv-pod

At this point, the pod (application) no longer exists but the volume is still there. You can use it from another pod if you want to.

To delete the volume, delete the claim:

kubectl delete pvc basic

You can now do additional tasks, such as the following: