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BlueXP disaster recovery

Monitor disaster recovery jobs

Contributors amgrissino

You can monitor all disaster recovery jobs and determine their progress.

  1. From the BlueXP left nav, select Protection > Disaster recovery.

  2. From the top menu, select Job monitoring.

  3. Explore all jobs related to operations and review their timestamps and status.

  4. To view details of a particular job, select that row.

  5. To refresh information, select Refresh.

Cancel a job

If a job is in progress and you don't want it to continue, you can cancel it. You might want to cancel a job if it is stuck in the same state and you want to free up the next operation in the queue. You might want cancel a job before it times out.

To cancel a job, you use Swagger.

Before you begin

To cancel a job, you must have the Account ID.

  1. From the BlueXP left nav, select Protection > Disaster recovery.

  2. From the top menu, select Job monitoring.

  3. In the Job monitor page, note the ID of the job you want to cancel.

  4. Access the BlueXP disaster recovery Swagger URL: Swagger.


    Swagger page showing how to cancel a job

    For details about Swagger, see Swagger docs.

  5. From Swagger, obtain the security token, also called the bearer token, from the Authorize option.

  6. Enter the Account ID and Job ID.

  7. Select Try it out.