Quick start for Astra Control Center
Here's an overview of the steps needed to get started with Astra Control Center. The links within each step take you to a page that provides more details.

Ensure that your environment meets these requirements:
Kubernetes cluster
Storage integration
ONTAP credentials

Complete these installation tasks:
Download Astra Control Center from the NetApp Support Site downloads page
Obtain the NetApp license file:
If you are evaluating Astra Control Center, an embedded evaluation license is already included
If you already purchased Astra Control Center, generate your license file

Complete some basic tasks to get started:

After you finish setting up Astra Control Center, use the Astra Control UI or the Astra Control API to begin managing and protecting apps:
Manage apps: Define resources to manage.
Protect apps: Configure protection policies and replicate, clone, and migrate apps.
Manage accounts: Users, roles, LDAP, credentials, and more.
Optionally, connect to Cloud Insights: View metrics on the health of your system.