Prepare your environment for cluster management using Astra Control
You should ensure that the following prerequisite conditions are met before you add a cluster. You should also run eligibility checks to ensure that your cluster is ready to be added to Astra Control Center and create kubeconfig cluster roles as needed.
Astra Control allows you to add clusters managed by custom resource (CR) or kubeconfig, depending on your environment and preferences.
Meet environmental prerequisites: Your environment meets operational environment requirements for Astra Control Center.
Configure worker nodes: Ensure that you configure the worker nodes in your cluster with the appropriate storage drivers so that the pods can interact with the backend storage.
Enable PSA restrictions: If your cluster has pod security admission enforcement enabled, which is standard for Kubernetes 1.25 and later clusters, you need to enable PSA restrictions on these namespaces:
namespace:kubectl label --overwrite ns netapp-acc-operator
netapp monitoring
namespace:kubectl label --overwrite ns netapp-monitoring
ONTAP credentials: You need ONTAP credentials and a superuser and user ID set on the backing ONTAP system to back up and restore apps with Astra Control Center.
Run the following commands in the ONTAP command line:
export-policy rule modify -vserver <storage virtual machine name> -policyname <policy name> -ruleindex 1 -superuser sys export-policy rule modify -vserver <storage virtual machine name> -policyname <policy name> -ruleindex 1 -anon 65534
kubeconfig-managed cluster requirements: These requirement are specific for app clusters managed by kubeconfig.
Make kubeconfig accessible: You have access to the default cluster kubeconfig that you configured during installation.
Certificate Authority considerations: If you are adding the cluster using a kubeconfig file that references a private Certificate Authority (CA), add the following line to the
section of the kubeconfig file. This enables Astra Control to add the cluster:insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
Rancher only: When managing application clusters in a Rancher environment, modify the application cluster's default context in the kubeconfig file provided by Rancher to use a control plane context instead of the Rancher API server context. This reduces load on the Rancher API server and improves performance.
Astra Control Provisioner requirements: You should have a properly configured Astra Control Provisioner, including its Astra Trident components, to manage clusters.
Review Astra Trident environment requirements: Prior to installing or upgrading Astra Control Provisioner, review the supported frontends, backends, and host configurations.
Enable Astra Control Provisioner functionality: It's highly recommended that you install Astra Trident 23.10 or later and enable Astra Control Provisioner advanced storage functionality. In coming releases, Astra Control will not support Astra Trident if the Astra Control Provisioner is not also enabled.
Configure a storage backend: At least one storage backend must be configured in Astra Trident on the cluster.
Configure a storage class: At least one storage class must be configured in Astra Trident on the cluster. If a default storage class is configured, ensure that it is the only storage class that has the default annotation.
Configure a volume snapshot controller and install a volume snapshot class: Install a volume snapshot controller so that snapshots can be created in Astra Control. Create at least one
using Astra Trident.
Run eligibility checks
Run the following eligibility checks to ensure that your cluster is ready to be added to Astra Control Center.
Determine the Astra Trident version you are running:
If Astra Trident exists, you see output similar to the following:
NAME VERSION trident 24.02.0
If Astra Trident does not exist, you see output similar to the following:
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "tridentversions"
Do one of the following:
If you are running Astra Trident 23.01 or earlier, use these instructions to upgrade to a more recent version of Astra Trident before upgrading to the Astra Control Provisioner. You can perform a direct upgrade to Astra Control Provisioner 24.02 if your Astra Trident is within a four-release window of version 24.02. For example, you can directly upgrade from Astra Trident 23.04 to Astra Control Provisioner 24.02.
If you are running Astra Trident 23.10 or later, verify that Astra Control Provisioner has been enabled. Astra Control Provisioner will not work with releases of Astra Control Center earlier than 23.10. Upgrade your Astra Control Provisioner so that it has the same version as the Astra Control Center you are upgrading to access the latest functionality.
Ensure that all pods (including
) are running: -
Determine if the storage classes are using the supported Astra Trident drivers. The provisioner name should be
. See the following example:Sample response:
Create a cluster role kubeconfig
For clusters that are managed using kubeconfig, you can optionally create a limited permission or expanded permission administrator role for Astra Control Center. This is not a required procedure for Astra Control Center setup as you already configured a kubeconfig as part of the installation process.
This procedure helps you to create a separate kubeconfig if either of the following scenarios applies to your environment:
You want to limit Astra Control permissions on the clusters it manages
You use multiple contexts and cannot use the default Astra Control kubeconfig configured during installation or a limited role with a single context won't work in your environment
Ensure that you have the following for the cluster you intend to manage before completing the procedure steps:
kubectl v1.23 or later installed
kubectl access to the cluster that you intend to add and manage with Astra Control Center
For this procedure, you do not need kubectl access to the cluster that is running Astra Control Center. -
An active kubeconfig for the cluster you intend to manage with cluster admin rights for the active context
Create a service account:
Create a service account file called
Apply the service account:
Create one of the following cluster roles with sufficient permissions for a cluster to be managed by Astra Control:
Limited cluster roleThis role contains the minimum permissions necessary for a cluster to be managed by Astra Control:
Create a
file called, for example,astra-admin-account.yaml
(For OpenShift clusters only) Append the following at the end of the
file: -
Apply the cluster role:
Create the cluster role binding for the cluster role to the service account:
Create a
file calledastracontrol-clusterrolebinding.yaml
Apply the cluster role binding:
Create and apply the token secret:
Create a token secret file called
Apply the token secret:
Add the token secret to the service account by adding its name to the
array (the last line in the following example):apiVersion: v1 imagePullSecrets: - name: astracontrol-service-account-dockercfg-48xhx kind: ServiceAccount metadata: annotations: | {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"ServiceAccount","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"astracontrol-service-account","namespace":"default"}} creationTimestamp: "2023-06-14T15:25:45Z" name: astracontrol-service-account namespace: default resourceVersion: "2767069" uid: 2ce068c4-810e-4a96-ada3-49cbf9ec3f89 secrets: - name: astracontrol-service-account-dockercfg-48xhx - name: secret-astracontrol-service-account
List the service account secrets, replacing
with the correct context for your installation:The end of the output should look similar to the following:
"secrets": [ { "name": "astracontrol-service-account-dockercfg-48xhx"}, { "name": "secret-astracontrol-service-account"} ]
The indices for each element in the
array begin with 0. In the above example, the index forastracontrol-service-account-dockercfg-48xhx
would be 0 and the index forsecret-astracontrol-service-account
would be 1. In your output, make note of the index number for the service account secret. You'll need this index number in the next step. -
Generate the kubeconfig as follows:
Create a
file. -
in the beginning of the following script with the correct
# Update these to match your environment. # Replace TOKEN_INDEX with the correct value # from the output in the previous step. If you # didn't change anything else above, don't change # anything else here. SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=astracontrol-service-account NAMESPACE=default NEW_CONTEXT=astracontrol KUBECONFIG_FILE='kubeconfig-sa' CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context) SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get serviceaccount ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} \ --context ${CONTEXT} \ --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \ -o jsonpath='{.secrets[TOKEN_INDEX].name}') TOKEN_DATA=$(kubectl get secret ${SECRET_NAME} \ --context ${CONTEXT} \ --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \ -o jsonpath='{.data.token}') TOKEN=$(echo ${TOKEN_DATA} | base64 -d) # Create dedicated kubeconfig # Create a full copy kubectl config view --raw > ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.full.tmp # Switch working context to correct context kubectl --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.full.tmp config use-context ${CONTEXT} # Minify kubectl --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.full.tmp \ config view --flatten --minify > ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp # Rename context kubectl config --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp \ rename-context ${CONTEXT} ${NEW_CONTEXT} # Create token user kubectl config --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp \ set-credentials ${CONTEXT}-${NAMESPACE}-token-user \ --token ${TOKEN} # Set context to use token user kubectl config --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp \ set-context ${NEW_CONTEXT} --user ${CONTEXT}-${NAMESPACE}-token-user # Set context to correct namespace kubectl config --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp \ set-context ${NEW_CONTEXT} --namespace ${NAMESPACE} # Flatten/minify kubeconfig kubectl config --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp \ view --flatten --minify > ${KUBECONFIG_FILE} # Remove tmp rm ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.full.tmp rm ${KUBECONFIG_FILE}.tmp
Source the commands to apply them to your Kubernetes cluster.
(Optional) Rename the kubeconfig to a meaningful name for your cluster.
mv kubeconfig-sa YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME_kubeconfig