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ONTAP 9.9.1 REST API reference
A newer release of this product is available.

Protocols Vscan endpoint overview



Use Vscan to protect data from being compromised by viruses or other malicious code. Vscan combines best-in-class third party antivirus software with ONTAP features that give you the flexibility you need to control which files get scanned and when. Storage systems offload scanning operations to external servers hosting antivirus software from third party vendors. An Antivirus Connector on the external server handles communications between the storage system and the antivirus software.


Retrieving all of the Vscan configurations

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan?fields=*&return_records=true&return_timeout=15" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"records": [
    "svm": {
      "uuid": "03ce5c36-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298",
      "name": "vs1"
    "enabled": true,
    "scanner_pools": [
        "name": "scanner-1",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "primary",
        "cluster": {
          "name": "Cluster1",
          "uuid": "0228714d-f268-11e8-8851-0050568e5298"
        "name": "scanner-2",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "primary",
        "cluster": {
          "name": "Cluster1",
          "uuid": "0228714d-f268-11e8-8851-0050568e5298"
    "on_access_policies": [
        "name": "default_CIFS",
        "vsName": "vs1",
        "enabled": true,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 2147483648,
          "include_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
        "name": "on-access-test1",
        "vsName": "vs1",
        "enabled": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10000,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
        "name": "on-access-test2",
        "vsName": "vs1",
        "enabled": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10000,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
    "on_demand_policies": [
        "name": "task-1",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol1",
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10000,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true
        "name": "task-2",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol2",
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10000,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true
    "svm": {
      "uuid": "24c2567a-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298",
      "name": "vs2"
    "enabled": false,
    "scanner_pools": [
        "name": "sp2",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "idle"
    "on_access_policies": [
        "name": "default_CIFS",
        "vsName": "vs2",
        "enabled": true,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 2147483648,
          "include_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
        "name": "ap1",
        "vsName": "vs2",
        "enabled": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 2147483648,
          "include_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
    "on_demand_policies": [
        "name": "t1",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol1",
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10737418240,
          "include_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true
"num_records": 2

Retrieving all Vscan configurations for a particular SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan/24c2567a-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298?fields=*" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"svm": {
  "uuid": "24c2567a-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298",
  "name": "vs2"
"enabled": false,
"scanner_pools": [
    "name": "sp2",
    "servers": [
    "privileged_users": [
    "role": "idle"
"on_access_policies": [
    "name": "default_CIFS",
    "vsName": "vs2",
    "enabled": true,
    "mandatory": true,
    "scope": {
      "max_file_size": 2147483648,
      "include_extensions": [
      "scan_without_extension": true,
      "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
      "only_execute_access": false
    "name": "ap1",
    "vsName": "vs2",
    "enabled": false,
    "mandatory": true,
    "scope": {
      "max_file_size": 2147483648,
      "include_extensions": [
      "scan_without_extension": true,
      "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
      "only_execute_access": false
"on_demand_policies": [
    "name": "t1",
    "scan_paths": [
    "log_path": "/vol1",
    "scope": {
      "max_file_size": 10737418240,
      "include_extensions": [
      "scan_without_extension": true

Creating a Vscan configuration

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan?return_records=true" -H "accept: appication/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"enabled\": true, \"on_access_policies\": [ { \"enabled\": true, \"mandatory\": true, \"name\": \"on-access-test\", \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"\\\\vol\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"max_file_size\": 21474, \"only_execute_access\": false, \"scan_readonly_volumes\": false, \"scan_without_extension\": true } } ], \"on_demand_policies\": [ { \"log_path\": \"/vol\", \"name\": \"task-1\", \"scan_paths\": [ \"/vol\" ], \"schedule\": { \"name\": \"daily\", \"uuid\": \"d4984822-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85\" }, \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp3\", \"mp4\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"/vol\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"vmdk\", \"mp*\" ], \"max_file_size\": 10737, \"scan_without_extension\": true } } ], \"scanner_pools\": [ { \"cluster\": { \"name\": \"Cluster1\", \"uuid\": \"ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85\" }, \"name\": \"scanner-1\", \"privileged_users\": [ \"cifs\\\\u1\", \"cifs\\\\u2\" ], \"role\": \"primary\", \"servers\": [ \"\", \"\" ] } ], \"svm\": { \"name\": \"vs1\", \"uuid\": \"b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85\" }}"

# The response:
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
    "svm": {
    "uuid": "b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85",
    "name": "vs1"
    "enabled": true,
    "scanner_pools": [
        "name": "scanner-1",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "primary",
        "cluster": {
          "name": "Cluster1",
          "uuid": "ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85"
    "on_access_policies": [
        "name": "on-access-test",
        "enabled": true,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 21474,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
    "on_demand_policies": [
        "name": "task-1",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol",
        "schedule": {
          "uuid": "d4984822-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85",
          "name": "daily"
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 10737,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true

Creating multiple Vscan scanner-pools for the specified SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan?return_records=true" -H "accept: appication/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"scanner_pools\": [ { \"cluster\": { \"name\": \"Cluster1\", \"uuid\": \"ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85\" }, \"name\": \"scanner-1\", \"privileged_users\": [ \"cifs\\\\u1\", \"cifs\\\\u2\" ], \"role\": \"primary\", \"servers\": [ \"\", \"\" ] }, { \"cluster\": { \"name\": \"Cluster1\", \"uuid\": \"ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85\" }, \"name\": \"scanner-2\", \"privileged_users\": [ \"cifs\\\\u3\", \"cifs\\\\u4\" ], \"role\": \"primary\", \"servers\": [ \"\", \"\" ] } ], \"svm\": { \"name\": \"vs1\", \"uuid\": \"b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85\" }}"

# The response:
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
    "svm": {
    "uuid": "b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85",
    "name": "vs1"
    "scanner_pools": [
        "name": "scanner-1",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "primary",
        "cluster": {
          "name": "Cluster1",
          "uuid": "ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85"
        "name": "scanner-2",
        "servers": [
        "privileged_users": [
        "role": "primary",
        "cluster": {
          "name": "Cluster1",
          "uuid": "ab746d77-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85"

Creating multiple Vscan On-access policies for a specified SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan?return_records=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"on_access_policies\": [ { \"enabled\": false, \"mandatory\": true, \"name\": \"on-access-test11\", \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"\\\\vol\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"max_file_size\": 214748, \"only_execute_access\": false, \"scan_readonly_volumes\": false, \"scan_without_extension\": true } }, { \"enabled\": false, \"mandatory\": true, \"name\": \"on-access-test10\", \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"\\\\vol\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"mp*\", \"txt\" ], \"max_file_size\": 21474, \"only_execute_access\": false, \"scan_readonly_volumes\": false, \"scan_without_extension\": true } } ], \"svm\": { \"name\": \"vs1\", \"uuid\": \"b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85\" }}"

# The response:
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
    "svm": {
      "uuid": "b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85",
      "name": "vs1"
    "on_access_policies": [
        "name": "on-access-test11",
        "enabled": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 214748,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false
        "name": "on-access-test10",
        "enabled": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 21474,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true,
          "scan_readonly_volumes": false,
          "only_execute_access": false

Creating multiple Vscan On-demand policies for a specified SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan?return_records=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"on_demand_policies\": [ { \"log_path\": \"/vol\", \"name\": \"task-1\", \"scan_paths\": [ \"/vol\" ], \"schedule\": { \"name\": \"daily\", \"uuid\": \"d4984822-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85\" }, \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp3\", \"mp4\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"/vol1\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"vmdk\", \"mp*\" ], \"max_file_size\": 107374, \"scan_without_extension\": true } }, { \"log_path\": \"/vol\", \"name\": \"task-2\", \"scan_paths\": [ \"/vol\" ], \"scope\": { \"exclude_extensions\": [ \"mp3\", \"mp4\" ], \"exclude_paths\": [ \"/vol1\" ], \"include_extensions\": [ \"vmdk\", \"mp*\" ], \"max_file_size\": 107374, \"scan_without_extension\": true } } ], \"svm\": { \"name\": \"vs1\", \"uuid\": \"b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85\" }}"

# The response:
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
    "svm": {
      "uuid": "b103be27-17b8-11e9-b451-0050568ecd85",
      "name": "vs1"
    "on_demand_policies": [
        "name": "task-1",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol",
        "schedule": {
          "uuid": "d4984822-17b7-11e9-b450-0050568ecd85",
          "name": "daily"
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 107374,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true
        "name": "task-2",
        "scan_paths": [
        "log_path": "/vol",
        "scope": {
          "max_file_size": 107374,
          "exclude_paths": [
          "include_extensions": [
          "exclude_extensions": [
          "scan_without_extension": true

Enabling Vscan for a specified SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan/03ce5c36-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"enabled\": true}"

Clearing the Vscan cache for the specified SVM

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan/03ce5c36-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"cache_clear\": true}"

Deleting the Vscan configuration for a specified SVM

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X DELETE "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/vscan/03ce5c36-f269-11e8-8852-0050568e5298" -H "accept: application/json"