A newer release of this product is available.
Support SNMP users endpoint overview
Defines, retrieves and adds new SNMP users. An SNMP user can be an SNMPv1/SNMPv2c user or an SNMPv3 user. SNMPv1/SNMPv2c user is also called a "community" user. Use a "community" user to query ONTAP SNMP server over SNMPv1/SNMPv2c protocol. An SNMPv3 user, also called a User-based Security Model (USM) user, can be a local SNMPv3 user or a remote SNMPv3 user. Use a local SNMPv3 user to query ONTAP SNMP server over SNMPv3 and/or to send SNMPv3 traps. A remote SNMPv3 user is configured in ONTAP as well as on a remote switch. ONTAP SNMP client uses a remote SNMPv3 user to query the switch over SNMPv3.
Retrieves a list of SNMP users in the cluster, sorted by SVM UUID
# The API: GET "/api/support/snmp/users" # The call: curl -H "accept: application/hal+json" -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/support/snmp/users?order_by=owner.uuid" # The response: { "records": [ { "engine_id": "80000315052d7d2c4410b8e911bc9f005056bb942e", "name": "snmpv1user1", "owner": { "uuid": "442c7d2d-b810-11e9-bc9f-005056bb942e" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/support/snmp/users/80000315052d7d2c4410b8e911bc9f005056bb942e/snmpv1user1" } } }, { "engine_id": "80000315058e02057c0fb8e911bc9f005056bb942e", "name": "snmpv3user1", "owner": { "uuid": "7c05028e-b80f-11e9-bc9f-005056bb942e" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/support/snmp/users/80000315058e02057c0fb8e911bc9f005056bb942e/snmpv3user1" } } } ], "num_records": 2, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/support/snmp/users?order_by=owner.uuid" } } }
Creates an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community user
# The API: POST "/api/support/snmp/users" # The call curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/support/snmp/users" -d '{"owner":{"uuid":"02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7", "name":"cluster1"}, "name":"public", "authentication_method":"community"}' # The response: 201 Created {}
Creates a local SNMPv3 user
# The API: POST "/api/support/snmp/users" # The call curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/support/snmp/users" -d '{"owner":{"uuid":"02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7", "name":"cluster1"}, "name":"snmpv3u1", "authentication_method":"usm", "snmpv3":{"authentication_protocol":"sha", "authentication_password":"jelly22fi$h", "privacy_protocol":"aes", "privacy_password":"a11Black$"}}' # The response: 201 Created {}
Creates a remote SNMPv3 user
# The API: POST "/api/support/snmp/users" # The call curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/support/snmp/users" -d '{"owner":{"uuid":"02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7", "name":"cluster1"}, "engine_id":"8000031505b67667a26975e9118a480050568e6f74", "name":"switchuser1", "authentication_method":"usm", "switch_address":"fdf8:f53b:82e4::53", "snmpv3":{"authentication_protocol":"md5", "authentication_password":"TfhIeliw601lS.Rw$3pm"}}' # The response: 201 Created {}