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ONTAP Select
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Deploy an ONTAP Select cluster using the CLI


You can use the command line interface provided with the ONTAP Select Deploy administration utility to create a single-node or multi-node ONTAP Select cluster.

Before you begin

Before creating an ONTAP Select cluster on a hypervisor, you should understand the required preparation.

Prepare to attach storage to the ONTAP Select node

If you use a local hardware RAID controller, you must create at least one storage pool at each node for the system data as well as the root and data aggregates. You must attach the storage pool as part of configuring the ONTAP Select node.

If you use software RAID, you must create a storage pool for the system data and make sure the SSD drives are available for the root and data aggregates. You must attach the storage pool and disks as part of configuring the ONTAP Select node.

Available ONTAP Select versions

The Deploy administration utility contains a single version of ONTAP Select. If you want to deploy clusters using an earlier version of ONTAP Select, you must first add the ONTAP Select image to your Deploy instance. See Add an ONTAP Select image to Deploy for more information.

License ONTAP Select for a production deployment

Before deploying an ONTAP Select cluster in a production environment, you must purchase a storage capacity license and download the associated license file. You can license the storage at each node using the capacity tiers model or license a shared pool using the capacity pools model.

Upload and register a license file

After acquiring a license file with storage capacity, you must upload the file containing the license to the Deploy virtual machine and register it.

Note If you are deploying a cluster for evaluation only, you can skip this step.
Before you begin

You must have the password for the admin user account.

  1. In a command shell on your local workstation, use the sftp utility to upload the license file to the Deploy virtual machine.

    Example output

    sftp admin@ (provide password when prompted)
    put NLF-320000nnn.txt
  2. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI with the administrator account using SSH.

  3. Register the license:

    license add -file-name FILENAME

    Provide the administrator account password when prompted.

  4. Display the licenses in the system to confirm the license was added properly:

    license show

Add hypervisor hosts

You must register each hypervisor host where an ONTAP Select node will run.

You must register a hypervisor host where the ONTAP Select node will run. As part of this, the Deploy administration utility authenticates to the KVM host.

About this task

If more than one hypervisor host is needed, you should use this procedure to add each host.

  1. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI using SSH with the administrator account.

  2. Register the host:

    `host register -name <FQDN|IP> -hypervisor-type KVM -username KVM_USERNAME`

    Example output

    host register -name -hypervisor-type KVM -username root

    Provide the password for the host account when prompted.

  3. Display the state of the host and confirm it is authenticated:

    host show -name <FQDN|IP> -detailed

    Example output

    host show -name -detailed

Creating and configuring an ONTAP Select cluster

You must create and then configure the ONTAP Select cluster. After the cluster is configured, you can configure the individual nodes.

Before you begin

You must decide how many nodes the cluster contains and have the associated configuration information.

About this task

When you create an ONTAP Select cluster, the Deploy utility automatically generates the node names based on the cluster name and node count that you provide. Deploy also generates the unique node identifiers.

  1. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI using SSH with the administrator account.

  2. Create the cluster:

    cluster create -name CLUSTERNAME -node-count NODES

    Example output

    cluster create -name test-cluster -node-count 1
  3. Configure the cluster:

    cluster modify -name CLUSTERNAME -mgmt-ip IP_ADDRESS -netmask NETMASK -gateway IP_ADDRESS -dns-servers <FQDN|IP>_LIST -dns-domains DOMAIN_LIST

    Example output

    cluster modify -name test-cluster -mgmt-ip -netmask
    -gateway -dns-servers -dnsdomains
  4. Display the configuration and state of the cluster:

    cluster show -name CLUSTERNAME -detailed

Configure an ONTAP Select node

You must configure each of the nodes in the ONTAP Select cluster.

Before you begin

You must have the configuration information for the node. The capacity tier license file should be uploaded and installed at the Deploy utility.

About this task

You should use this procedure to configure each node. A capacity tier license is applied to the node in this example.

  1. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI using SSH with the administrator account.

  2. Determine the names assigned to the cluster nodes:

    node show -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME

  3. Select the node and perform basic configuration:
    node modify -name NODENAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -host-name <FQDN|IP> -license-serial-number NUMBER -instance-type TYPE -passthrough-disks false

    Example output

    node modify -name test-cluster-01 -cluster-name test-cluster -host-name
    -license-serial-number 320000nnnn -instance-type small -passthrough-disks false

    The RAID configuration for the node is indicated with the passthrough-disks parameter. If you are using a local hardware RAID controller, this value must be false. If you are using software RAID, this value must be true.

    A capacity tier license is used for the ONTAP Select node.

  4. Display the network configuration available at the host:

    host network show -host-name <FQDN|IP> -detailed

    Example output

    host network show -host-name -detailed
  5. Perform network configuration of the node:

    node modify -name NODENAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -mgmt-ip IP -management-networks NETWORK_NAME -data-networks NETWORK_NAME -internal-network NETWORK_NAME

    When deploying a single-node cluster, you do not need an internal network and should remove -internal-network.

    Example output

    node modify -name test-cluster-01 -cluster-name test-cluster -mgmt-ip
    -management-networks sDOT_Network -data-networks sDOT_Network
  6. Display the configuration of the node:

    node show -name NODENAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -detailed

    Example output

    node show -name test-cluster-01 -cluster-name test-cluster -detailed

Attach storage to the ONTAP Select nodes

You must configure the storage used by each node in the ONTAP Select cluster. Every node must always be assigned at least one storage pool. When using software RAID, each node must also be assigned at least one disk drive.

Before you begin

You must create the storage pool using VMware vSphere. If you are using software RAID, you also need at least one available disk drive.

About this task

When using a local hardware RAID controller, you need to perform steps 1 through 4. When using software RAID, you need to perform steps 1 through 6.

  1. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI using SSH with the administrator account credentials.

  2. Display the storage pools available at the host:

    host storage pool show -host-name <FQDN|IP>

    Example output

    host storage pool show -host-name

    You can also obtain the available storage pools through VMware vSphere.

  3. Attach an available storage pool to the ONTAP Select node:

    node storage pool attach -name POOLNAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -node-name NODENAME -capacity-limit LIMIT

    If you include the -capacity-limit parameter, specify the value as GB or TB.

    Example output

    node storage pool attach -name sDOT-02 -cluster-name test-cluster -
    node-name test-cluster-01 -capacity-limit 500GB
  4. Display the storage pools attached to the node:

    node storage pool show -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -node-name NODENAME

    Example output

    node storage pool show -cluster-name test-cluster -node-name testcluster-01
  5. If you are using software RAID, attach the available drive or drives:

    node storage disk attach -node-name NODENAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME -disks LIST_OF_DRIVES

    Example output

    node storage disk attach -node-name NVME_SN-01 -cluster-name NVME_SN -disks 0000:66:00.0 0000:67:00.0 0000:68:00.0
  6. If you are using software RAID, display the disks attached to the node:

    node storage disk show -node-name NODENAME -cluster-name CLUSTERNAME

    Example output

    node storage disk show -node-name sdot-smicro-009a -cluster-name NVME

Deploy an ONTAP Select cluster

After the cluster and nodes have been configured, you can deploy the cluster.

Before you begin

Before deploying a multi-node cluster, you should run the network connectivity checker to confirm the connectivity among the cluster nodes on the internal network.

  1. Sign in to the Deploy utility CLI using SSH with the administrator account.

  2. Deploy the ONTAP Select cluster:

    cluster deploy -name CLUSTERNAME

    Example output

    cluster deploy -name test-cluster

    Provide the password to be used for the ONTAP administrator account when prompted.

  3. Display the status of the cluster to determine when it has been successfully deployed successfully:

    cluster show -name CLUSTERNAME

After you finish

You should back up the ONTAP Select Deploy configuration data.