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StorageGRID Appliances

Replace SG6000-CN CMOS battery

Contributors netapp-perveilerk

Use this procedure to replace the CMOS coin cell battery on the system board.

Use these procedures to:

  • Remove the CMOS battery

  • Reinstall the CMOS battery

Remove the CMOS battery

Before you begin
About this task

To prevent service interruptions, confirm that all other Storage Nodes are connected to the grid before starting the CMOS battery replacement or replace the battery during a scheduled maintenance window when periods of service disruption are acceptable. See the information about monitoring node connection states.

Caution If you have ever used an ILM rule that creates only one copy of an object, you must replace the battery during a scheduled maintenance window because you might temporarily lose access to those objects during this procedure. See information about why you should not use single-copy replication.
  1. Wrap the strap end of the ESD wristband around your wrist, and secure the clip end to a metal ground to prevent static discharge.

  2. Locate the two-slot riser assembly at the rear of the appliance.

    Riser assembly location
  3. Grasp the riser assembly through the blue-marked holes and carefully lift it upwards. Move the riser assembly toward the front of the chassis as you lift it to allow the external connectors in its installed adapters to clear the chassis.

  4. Place the riser on a flat anti-static surface with the metal frame side down.

  5. Locate the CMOS battery on the system board in the position beneath the removed riser assembly.

  6. Use your finger or a plastic pry tool to press the retaining clip away from the battery to spring it from the socket.

  7. Remove the battery and dispose of it properly.

Reinstall the CMOS battery

Install the replacement CMOS battery into the socket on the system board.

Before you begin
  • You have the correct replacement CMOS battery (CR2032).

  • You have removed the failed CMOS battery.

  1. Wrap the strap end of the ESD wristband around your wrist, and secure the clip end to a metal ground to prevent static discharge.

  2. Remove the CMOS battery from its packaging.

  3. Press the replacement battery into the empty socket on the system board with the positive (+) side up until the battery snaps in place.

  4. Locate the alignment hole on the riser assembly (circled) that aligns with a guide pin on the system board to ensure correct riser assembly positioning.

    Alignment hole on riser assembly
  5. Position the riser assembly in the chassis, making sure that it aligns with the connector and guide pin on the system board; then, insert the riser assembly.

  6. Carefully press the riser assembly in place along its center line, next to the blue-marked holes, until it is fully seated.

  7. If you have no other maintenance procedures to perform in the appliance, reinstall the appliance cover, return the appliance to the rack, attach cables, and apply power.

  8. If the appliance you replaced had drive encryption enabled for the SED drives, you must enter the drive encryption passphrase to access the encrypted drives when the replacement appliance starts for the first time.

  9. If the appliance you replaced used a key management server (KMS) to manage encryption keys for node encryption, additional configuration might be required before the node can join the grid. If the node does not automatically join the grid, make sure that these configuration settings have transferred to the new appliance and manually configure any settings that don't have the expected configuration:

  10. Log in to the appliance:

    1. Enter the following command: ssh admin@grid_node_IP

    2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

    4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

  11. Restore BMC network connectivity for the appliance. There are two options:

    • Use static IP, netmask, and gateway

    • Use DHCP to obtain an IP, netmask, and gateway

      1. To restore the BMC configuration to use a static IP, netmask, and gateway, enter the following commands:

        run-host-command ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static

        run-host-command ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr Appliance_IP

        run-host-command ipmitool lan set 1 netmask Netmask_IP

        run-host-command ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr Default_gateway

      2. To restore the BMC configuration to use DHCP to obtain an IP, netmask, and gateway, enter the following command:

        run-host-command ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp

  12. After restoring BMC network connectivity, connect to the BMC interface to audit and restore any additional custom BMC configuration you might have applied. For example, you should confirm the settings for SNMP trap destinations and email notifications. See Configure BMC interface.

  13. Confirm that the appliance node appears in the Grid Manager and that no alerts appear.