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Move non-SAN data LIFs and cluster-management LIFs to the new nodes

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

After you have moved the volumes from the original nodes, you must migrate the non-SAN data LIFs and cluster-management LIFs from the original nodes to the new nodes.

About this task

You cannot migrate a LIF that is used for copy-offload operations with VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI).

  1. Log in with the cluster-management LIF, and list all LIFs on the original nodes (comma-separated list):

    network interface show -curr-node <list_of_original_node_names>
  2. Change the home ports for the non-SAN data LIFs from the original nodes to the new nodes:

    network interface modify -vserver <vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -home-node <new_node_name> -home-port {<netport|ifgrp>}
  3. Take one of the following actions:

    If you want to migrate…​ Then enter…​

    A specific LIF

    network interface migrate -vserver <vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -destination-node <dest_node_name> -destination-port <dest_port_name>

    All the non-SAN data LIFs and cluster-management LIFs

    network interface migrate-all -node <node_name>

    The following command migrates a LIF named "datalif1" on the SVM "vs0" to the port "e0d" on "node0b":

    cluster::> network interface migrate -vserver vs0 -lif datalif1 -destination-node node0b -destination-port e0d

    The following command migrates all the data and cluster-management LIFs from the current (local) node:

    cluster::> network interface migrate-all -node local
  4. Check whether the home node of the cluster-management LIF is on one of the original nodes:

    network interface show -lif cluster_mgmt -fields home-node
  5. If the home node of the cluster management LIF is on one of the original nodes, complete the following steps:

    1. Switch the home node of the cluster-management LIF to one of the new nodes:

      network interface modify -vserver <cluster_name> -lif cluster_mgmt -home-node <new_node_name> -home-port {<netport|ifgrp>}
    2. Migrate the cluster-management LIF to one of the new nodes:

      network interface migrate -vserver <vserver_name> -lif cluster-mgmt -destination-node <new_node_name> -destination-port {<netport|ifgrp>}