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Verify the node4 installation

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-aoife netapp-martyh

After you install and boot node4, you must verify that it is installed correctly, that it is part of the cluster, and that it can communicate with node3.

About this task

At this point in the procedure, the operation will have paused as node4 joins quorum.

  1. Verify that node4 has joined quorum:

    cluster show -node node4 -fields health

  2. Verify that node4 is part of the same cluster as node3 and healthy by entering the following command:

    cluster show

  3. Check the status of the operation and verify that the configuration information for node4 is the same as node2:

    system controller replace show-details

    If the configuration is different for node4, a system disruption might occur later in the procedure.

  4. Check that the replaced controller is configured correctly for MetroCluster configuration and not in switch-over mode.

    Caution Attention: At this stage MetroCluster configuration will not be in a normal state and you might have errors to resolve. See Verify the health of the MetroCluster configuration.

Re-create VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains on node4

After you confirm that node4 is in quorum and can communicate with node3, you must re-create node2's VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains on node4. You must also add the node3 ports to the newly re-created broadcast domains.

About this task

For more information on creating and re-creating VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains, go to References and link to Network Management.

  1. Re-create the VLANs on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:

    network port vlan create -node node4 -vlan vlan-names

  2. Re-create the interface groups on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:

    network port ifgrp create -node node4 -ifgrp port_ifgrp_names-distr-func

  3. Re-create the broadcast domains on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:

    network port broadcast-domain create -ipspace Default -broadcast-domain broadcast_domain_names -mtu mtu_size -ports node_name:port_name,node_name:port_name

  4. Add the node4 ports to the newly re-created broadcast domains:

    network port broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain broadcast_domain_names -ports node_name:port_name,node_name:port_name

Restore key-manager configuration on node4

If you are using NetApp Aggregate Encryption (NAE) or NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE) to encrypt volumes on the system you are upgrading, the encryption configuration must be synchronized to the new nodes. If you do not restore key-manager, when you relocate the node2 aggregates from node3 to node4 by using ARL, encrypted volumes will be taken offline.

  1. To synchronize encryption configuration for Onboard Key Manager, run the following command at the cluster prompt:

    For this ONTAP version… Use this command…​

    ONTAP 9.6 or 9.7

    security key-manager onboard sync

    ONTAP 9.5

    security key-manager setup -node node_name

  2. Enter the cluster-wide passphrase for the Onboard Key Manager.