What's new with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
Learn what's new in FSx for ONTAP.
02 March 2025
CloudShell events in Tracker
Anytime you use CloudShell to execute FSx for ONTAP operations from BlueXP Workloads, the events appear in Tracker.
02 February 2025
Associate FSx for ONTAP file system with a workspace in BlueXP
After BlueXP integration in November 2024, newly created FSx for ONTAP file systems were not associated with one workspace in BlueXP. Now when you create or discover FSx for ONTAP file systems, they are associated with one workspace within a BlueXP account.
If you have existing FSx for ONTAP file systems that are not associated with a workspace, we will help you associate them with a workspace in BlueXP. You can create a case with NetApp Support from within the BlueXP console. Select Workload Factory as the service.
File system removal from BlueXP canvas
You can now remove an FSx for ONTAP file system from a workspace in the BlueXP canvas. This operation dissociates the file system from one workspace so that you can associate it with another workspace within the same BlueXP account.
Tracker available for monitoring and tracking operations
Tracker, a new monitoring capability, is available in BlueXP Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. You can use Tracker to monitor and track the progress and status of credentials, storage, and link operations, review details for operation tasks and subtasks, diagnose any issues or failures, edit parameters for failed operations, and retry failed operations.
CloudShell available in BlueXP Workloads
CloudShell is available when you're in BlueXP Workloads within the BlueXP console. CloudShell allows you to use the AWS and ONTAP credentials you've provided in your BlueXP account and execute AWS CLI commands or ONTAP CLI commands in a shell-like environment.
06 January 2025
NetApp releases additional CloudFormation resources
NetApp now provides CloudFormation resources that allow customers to utilize advanced ONTAP components which are not exposed within the AWS console. CloudFormation is the infrastructure-as-code mechanism for AWS. You'll be able to create replication relationships, CIFS shares, NFS export policies, snapshots, and more.
11 November 2024
FSx for ONTAP integrates with Storage in BlueXP workload factory
FSx for ONTAP file system management tasks such as adding volumes, expanding file system capacity, and managing storage VMs are now managed in BlueXP workload factory, a new service offered by NetApp and Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. You can use your existing credentials and permissions just as before. The difference is that you can now do more from BlueXP workload factory to manage your file systems. When you open an FSx for ONTAP working environment from the BlueXP canvas, you will go directly to BlueXP workload factory.
If you're looking for the advanced view option, which enables you to manage an FSx for ONTAP file system using ONTAP System Manager, you can now find that option from the BlueXP canvas after you select the working environment.
30 July 2023
Support for three additional regions
Customers can now create Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems in three new AWS Regions: Europe (Zurich), Europe (Spain), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad).
Refer to Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is now available in three additional regions for full details.
02 July 2023
Add a storage VM
You can now add a storage VM to the Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system using BlueXP.
My Opportunities tab is now My estate
The My Opportunities tab is now My estate. The documentation is updated to reflect the new name.
04 June 2023
Maintenance window start time
When creating a working environment, you can specify the start time for the weekly 30-minute maintenance window to ensure maintenance does not conflict with critical business activities.
Distribute volume data using FlexGroups
When creating a volume, you can enable data optimization by creating a FlexGroup to distribute data across volumes.
04 June 2023
Maintenance window start time
When creating a working environment, you can specify the start time for the weekly 30-minute maintenance window to ensure maintenance does not conflict with critical business activities.
Distribute volume data using FlexGroups
When creating a volume, you can enable data optimization by creating a FlexGroup to distribute data across volumes.
07 May 2023
Generate a security group
When creating a working environment, you can now have BlueXP generate a security group that allows traffic within the selected VPC only. This feature requires additional permissions.
Add or modify tags
You can optionally add and modify tags to categorize volumes.
02 April 2023
Increase in IOPS limit
The IOPS limit is increased to allow manual or automatic provisioning up to 160,000.
05 March 2023
User interface enhanced
User interface improvements have been made and screenshots have been updated in the documentation.
01 January 2023
Automatic capacity management
You can now choose to enable automatic capacity management to add incremental storage based on demand. Automatic capacity management polls the cluster at regular intervals to assess demand and automatically increases storage capacity in increments of 10% up to 80% of the cluster's maximum capacity.
18 September 2022
Change storage capacity and IOPS
You can now change the storage capacity and IOPS at any time after you create the FSx for ONTAP working environment.
31 July 2022
My estate feature
If you previously provided your AWS credentials to Cloud Manager, the new My estate feature can automatically discover and suggest FSx for ONTAP file systems to add and manage using Cloud Manager. You can also review available data services through the My estate tab.
Change throughput capacity
You can now change throughput capacity at any time after you create the FSx for ONTAP working environment.
Replicate and sync data
You can now replicate and sync data to on-premises and other FSx for ONTAP systems using FSx for ONTAP as the source.
Create iSCSI volume
You can now create iSCSI volumes in FSx for ONTAP using Cloud Manager.
3 July 2022
Support for single or multiple Availability Zon
You can now select a single or multiple Availability Zone HA deployment model.
Support for GovCloud account authentication
AWS GovCloud account authentication is now supported in Cloud Manager.
27 February 2022
Assume IAM role
When you create an FSx for ONTAP working environment, you now must provide the ARN of an IAM role that Cloud Manager can assume to create an FSx for ONTAP working environment. You previously needed to provide AWS access keys.
31 October 2021
Create iSCSI volumes using Cloud Manager API
You can create iSCSI volumes for FSx for ONTAP using the Cloud Manager API and manage them in your working environment.
Select volume units when creating volumes
You can elect volume units (GiB or TiB) when creating volumes in FSx for ONTAP.
4 October 2021
Create CIFS volumes using Cloud Manager
Now you can create CIFS volumes in FSx for ONTAP using Cloud Manager.
Edit volumes using Cloud Manager
Now you can edit FSx for ONTAP volumes using Cloud Manager.
2 September 2021
Support for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is a fully managed service allowing customers to launch and run file systems powered by NetApp’s ONTAP storage operating system. FSx for ONTAP provides the same features, performance, and administrative capabilities NetApp customers use on premises, with the simplicity, agility, security, and scalability of a native AWS service.
You can configure an FSx for ONTAP working environment in Cloud Manager.
Using a Connector in AWS and Cloud Manager, you can create and manage volumes, replicate data, and integrate FSx for ONTAP with NetApp cloud services, such as Data Sense and Cloud Sync.