Get an overview of data tiering from your clusters
BlueXP tiering provides an aggregated view of data tiering from each of your on-premises clusters. This overview provides a clear picture of your environment and enables you to take proper actions.
Just click Tiering > On-Premises Dashboard. BlueXP tiering provides the following details about your environment.
- Discovered clusters
The number of on-premises clusters that BlueXP tiering has discovered. The chart provides an overview of the tiering status for these clusters.
High tiering - Clusters that are tiering over 20% of their cold data
Low tiering - Clusters that are tiering less than 20% of their cold data
No tiering - Clusters that aren't tiering any data
Not eligible - Clusters that don't support data tiering
- Data overview
The amount of data that is being used by all discovered clusters. The chart indicates the amount of data that is being tiered, and more, for these clusters.
Tiered data - Total cold data being tiered to the cloud
Cold data - Total cold data that is not being tiered
Hot data - Total hot data that is active being used
Not eligible - Total data that is not being tiered because the cluster or volume doesn't support data tiering
- Tiering overview
The amount of data that is currently being tiered, and the amount of cold data that could potentially be tiered.
- Policies
The number of times that each tiering policy has been applied to a volume.
- Marketplace subscriptions
The number of clusters associated with each type of Marketplace Subscription and an indication about your subscription status.