Application consistency-groups consistency_group.uuid metrics endpoint overview
Retrieves historical performance and capacity metrics for a consistency group.
Retrieving historical performance and space metrics for a consistency group for the past day
# The API: /api/application/consistency-groups/{uuid}/metrics # The call: curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/application/consistency-groups/{uuid}/metrics?interval=1d&fields=**" -H "accept: application/hal+json" # The response: Snipped most of the records { "records": [ { "uuid": "5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T03:17:45Z", "status": "ok", "duration": "PT15S", "latency": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "iops": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "throughput": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "available_space": 862216192, "used_space": 1810432, "size": 864026624, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics/2023-02-23T03%3A17%3A45Z?fields=**" } } }, { "uuid": "5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T02:18:00Z", "svm": { "name": "vs0", "uuid": "55b1a7b9-b2fb-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54" }, "status": "partial_no_data", "duration": "PT15S", "latency": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "iops": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "throughput": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "available_space": 0, "used_space": 0, "size": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics/2023-02-23T02%3A18%3A00Z?fields=**" } } } ], "num_records": 240, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics?fields=**" } } }
Retrieving historical metrics within a time range defined by timestamp
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/application/consistency-groups/{uuid}/metrics?fields=**×tamp=2023-02-23T03:36:45Z..2023-02-23T03:36:30Z" -H "accept: application/hal+json" #### Response: { "records": [ { "uuid": "5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T03:36:45Z", "svm": { "name": "vs0", "uuid": "55b1a7b9-b2fb-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54" }, "status": "ok", "duration": "PT15S", "latency": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "iops": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "throughput": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "available_space": 862183424, "used_space": 1843200, "size": 864026624, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics/2023-02-23T03%3A36%3A45Z?fields=**" } } }, { "uuid": "5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T03:36:30Z", "svm": { "name": "vs0", "uuid": "55b1a7b9-b2fb-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54" }, "status": "ok", "duration": "PT15S", "latency": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "iops": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "throughput": { "read": 0, "write": 0, "other": 0, "total": 0 }, "available_space": 862183424, "used_space": 1843200, "size": 864026624, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics/2023-02-23T03%3A36%3A30Z?fields=**" } } } ], "num_records": 2, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/application/consistency-groups/5069acd5-b325-11ed-a958-005056ac6b54/metrics?fields=**×tamp=2023-02-23T03:36:45Z..2023-02-23T03:36:30Z" } } }