Network Ethernet broadcast-domains endpoint overview
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A broadcast domain is a collection of Ethernet ports that have layer 2 connectivity. They are used to determine which Ethernet ports can host interfaces of various types. The broadcast domain REST API allows you to retrieve, create, modify, and delete broadcast domains. The broadcast domain APIs do not manage port membership. To add a port to a broadcast domain or to move a port to a different broadcast domain, use PATCH /network/ethernet/ports/
Retrieving network Ethernet broadcast domain information
The broadcast domains GET API retrieves and displays relevant information pertaining to the broadcast domains configured in the cluster. The API retrieves the list of all broadcast domains configured in the cluster, or a specific broadcast domain.
Retrieving all broadcast domains in the cluster
The following output shows the list of all broadcast domains configured in a cluster.
# The API: /api/network/ethernet/broadcast-domains # The call: curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/network/ethernet/broadcast-domains" -H "accept: application/hal+json" # The response: { "records": [ { "uuid": "6970c2a9-f34f-11e8-8373-005056bb6b85", "name": "Cluster", "ipspace": { "uuid": "6267eff8-f34f-11e8-8373-005056bb6b85", "name": "Cluster", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/network/ipspaces/6267