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ONTAP 9.15.1 REST API reference

Storage pools UUID endpoint overview


Updating storage pools

The PATCH operation is used to modify properties of the storage pool. There are several properties that can be modified on a storage pool. PATCH operations on a storage pool are restricted when another PATCH operation is in progress. The following is a list of properties that can be modified using the PATCH operation including a brief description for each:

  • name - Can be updated to rename the storage pool.

  • capacity.disk_count - Can be updated to increase the number of disks in a storage pool.

  • capacity.spare_allocation_units[].count - Modifying this value requires that the user specify capacity.spare_allocation_units[].node as well. Modifying this value redistributes spare cache capacity among the nodes specified in the operation When expanding a storage pool, the cache tiers of all aggregates using the storage pool's allocation units are expanded automatically.

Simulated storage pool expansion

The PATCH operation also supports simulated expansion of a storage pool. Running PATCH with the query "simulate" set to "true", and "capacity.disk_count" set to the final disk count will return a response containing the projected new capacity and the new constituent disk list for the storage pool.

Deleting storage pools

If cache capacity from a storage pool is being used in an aggregate, it cannot be deleted. See the /storage/aggregates API for details on deleting aggregates.


Retrieving a specific pool from the cluster

The following example shows the response of the requested storage pool. If there is no storage pool with the requested UUID, an error is returned.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/870dd9f2-bdfa-4167-b692-57d1cec874d4" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "8255fef7-4737-11ec-bd1b-005056bbb879",
"name": "new_sp",
"storage_type": "ssd",
"nodes": [
    "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
    "name": "node-1",
    "uuid": "cf9ab500-ff3e-4bce-bfd7-d679e6078f47",
    "name": "node-2",
"capacity": {
    "remaining": 1846542336,
    "total": 7386169344,
    "spare_allocation_units": [
      "node": {
        "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
        "name": "node-1",
      "count": 1,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 1846542336
      "node": {
        "uuid": "cf9ab500-ff3e-4bce-bfd7-d679e6078f47",
        "name": "node-2",
      "count": 0,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 0
    "used_allocation_units": [
      "aggregate": {
        "uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
        "name": "test_a"
      "allocated_unit_count": 2,
      "node": {
        "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
        "name": "node-1",
      "capacity": 2769813504
      "aggregate": {
        "uuid": "f4cc30d5-b052-493a-a49f-19781425f987",
        "name": "test_b"
      "allocated_unit_count": 1,
      "node": {
        "uuid": "cf9ab500-ff3e-4bce-bfd7-d679e6078f47",
        "name": "node-2",
      "capacity": 1384906752
    "disk_count": 4,
    "disks": [
        "disk": {
          "name": "VMw-1.11"
        "usable_size": 1902379008,
        "total_size": 1908871168,
        "disk": {
          "name": "VMw-1.12"
        "usable_size": 1902379008,
        "total_size": 1908871168,
        "disk": {
          "name": "VMw-1.23"
        "usable_size": 1902379008,
        "total_size": 1908871168,
        "disk": {
          "name": "VMw-1.24"
        "usable_size": 1902379008,
        "total_size": 1908871168,
  "health": {
    "state": "normal",
    "is_healthy": true

Simulating storage pool expansion

The following example shows the response for a simulated storage pool expansion based on the values of the 'capacity.disk_count' attribute passed in. The query does not modify the existing storage pool, but rather returns how it will look after the expansion. This will be reflected in the following attributes:

  • Total space, in bytes.

  • capacity.remaining - New remaining capacity, in bytes.

  • capacity.disks.disk - New list of constituent disks.

  • capacity.disk_count - New number of disks in the pool.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/cae60cfe-deae-42bd-babb-ef437d118314?simulate=true" -H "accept: application/json" -d "{\"capacity\": {\"disk_count\": 6}}"

# The response:
"records": [
  "uuid": "cae60cfe-deae-42bd-babb-ef437d118314",
  "name": "new_sp",
  "capacity": {
      "remaining": 1846542336,
      "total": 7386169344,
      "used_allocation_units": [
        "aggregate": {
          "uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
          "name": "test_a"
        "current_usage": 2769813504
        "aggregate": {
          "uuid": "f4cc30d5-b052-493a-a49f-19781425f987",
          "name": "test_b"
        "current_usage": 1384906752
      "disk_count": 6,
      "disks": [
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.11"
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.12"
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.23"
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.24"
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.13"
          "disk": {
            "name": "VMw-1.14"

Adding capacity to a storage pool

The following example shows the workflow of adding disks to the storage pool.

Step 1: Check the current disk count on the storage pool.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c?fields=capacity.disk_count" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:{
"uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
"name": "sp1",
"capacity": {
  "disk_count": 4

Step 2: Update the pool with the new disk count in 'capacity.disk_count'. The response to PATCH is a job unless the request is invalid.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c" -H "accept: application/hal+json" -d "{\"capacity\": {\"disk_count\": 6}}"

# The response:
"job": {
  "uuid": "c103d15e-730b-11e8-a57f-005056b465d6",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/c103d15e-730b-11e8-a57f-005056b465d6"

Step 3: Wait for the job to finish, then call GET to see the reflected change.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c?fields=capacity.disk_count" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "19425837-f2fa-4a9f-8f01-712f626c983c",
"name": "sp1",
"capacity": {
  "disk_count": 6

The following example shows the workflow to redistribute spare capacity among nodes sharing the storage pool Step 1: Check the current spare capacity distribution of the pool.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/f3aafdc6-be35-4d93-9590-5a402bffbe4b?fields=capacity.spare_allocation_units" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "f3aafdc6-be35-4d93-9590-5a402bffbe4b",
"name": "sp1",
"capacity": {
    "spare_allocation_units": [
      "node": {
        "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
        "name": "node-1",
      "count": 1,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 1846542336
      "node": {
        "uuid": "cf9ab500-ff3e-4bce-bfd7-d679e6078f47",
        "name": "node-2",
      "count": 0,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 0

Step 2: Update the pool so that the spare allocation unit count is symmetrically modified for each node. The response to PATCH is a job unless the request is invalid.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X PATCH "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/f3aafdc6-be35-4d93-9590-5a402bffbe4b" -H "accept: application/hal+json" -d '{ "capacity" : { "spare_allocation_units": [{"node": {"name": "node-1"}, "count":0}, {"node": {"name": "node-2"}, "count": 1}]}}'

# The response:
"job": {
  "uuid": "6b7ab28e-168d-11ea-8a50-0050568eca76",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/6b7ab28e-168d-11ea-8a50-0050568eca76"

Step 3: Wait for the job to finish, then call GET to see the reflected change.

# The API:

# The call:
curl -X GET "https://<mgmt-ip>/api/storage/pools/f3aafdc6-be35-4d93-9590-5a402bffbe4b?fields=capacity.spare_allocation_units" -H "accept: application/json"

# The response:
"uuid": "f3aafdc6-be35-4d93-9590-5a402bffbe4b",
"name": "sp1",
"capacity": {
    "spare_allocation_units": [
      "node": {
        "uuid": "caf95bec-f801-11e8-8af9-005056bbe5c1",
        "name": "node-1",
      "count": 0,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 0
      "node": {
        "uuid": "cf9ab500-ff3e-4bce-bfd7-d679e6078f47",
        "name": "node-2",
      "count": 1,
      "syncmirror_pool": "pool0",
      "size": 1846542336,
      "available_size": 1846542336