Create S3 server, users, and buckets configurations
POST /protocols/s3/services
Introduced In: 9.7
Creates an S3 server, users, and buckets configurations.
Important notes
Each SVM can have one S3 server configuration.
One or more buckets and users can also be created using this end-point.
If creating a user configuration fails, buckets are not created either and already created users are not saved.
If creating a bucket configuration fails, all buckets already created are saved with no new buckets created.
Required properties
- Existing SVM in which to create an S3 server configuration.
Recommended optional properties
- Specifies the state of the server created. -
- Any information related to the server created.
Default property values
- "" -
- true
Related ONTAP commands
vserver object-store-server create
vserver object-store-server bucket create
vserver object-store-server bucket policy statement create
vserver object-store-server bucket policy-statement-condition create
vserver object-store-server user create
Learn more
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
return_records |
boolean |
query |
False |
The default is false. If set to true, the records are returned.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
buckets |
array[s3_bucket] |
This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method. |
certificate |
Specifies the certificate that will be used for creating HTTPS connections to the S3 server. |
comment |
string |
Can contain any additional information about the server being created or modified. |
default_unix_user |
string |
Specifies the default UNIX user for NAS Access. |
default_win_user |
string |
Specifies the default Windows user for NAS Access. |
enabled |
boolean |
Specifies whether the S3 server being created or modified should be up or down. |
is_http_enabled |
boolean |
Specifies whether HTTP is enabled on the S3 server being created or modified. By default, HTTP is disabled on the S3 server. |
is_https_enabled |
boolean |
Specifies whether HTTPS is enabled on the S3 server being created or modified. By default, HTTPS is enabled on the S3 server. |
max_key_time_to_live |
string |
Indicates the maximum time period that an S3 user can specify for the 'key_time_to_live' property.
metric |
Performance numbers, such as IOPS latency and throughput, for SVM protocols. |
name |
string |
Specifies the name of the S3 server. A server name can contain 3 to 253 characters using only the following combination of characters':' 0-9, A-Z, a-z, ".", and "-". |
port |
integer |
Specifies the HTTP listener port for the S3 server. By default, HTTP is enabled on port 80. Valid values range from 1 to 65535. |
secure_port |
integer |
Specifies the HTTPS listener port for the S3 server. By default, HTTPS is enabled on port 443. Valid values range from 1 to 65535. |
statistics |
These are raw performance numbers, such as IOPS latency and throughput for SVM protocols. These numbers are aggregated across all nodes in the cluster and increase with the uptime of the cluster. |
svm |
SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects. |
users |
array[s3_user] |
This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method. |
Example request
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"buckets": [
"aggregates": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "aggr1",
"uuid": "1cd8a442-86d1-11e0-ae1c-123478563412"
"audit_event_selector": {
"access": "string",
"permission": "string"
"comment": "S3 bucket.",
"constituents_per_aggregate": 4,
"lifecycle_management": {
"rules": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"abort_incomplete_multipart_upload": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"bucket_name": "bucket1",
"expiration": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"object_age_days": 100,
"object_expiry_date": "2039-09-22 20:00:00 -0400"
"name": "string",
"non_current_version_expiration": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"object_filter": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"prefix": "/logs",
"size_greater_than": 10240,
"size_less_than": 10485760,
"tags": [
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"uuid": "414b29a1-3b26-11e9-bd58-0050568ea055"
"logical_used_size": 0,
"name": "bucket1",
"nas_path": "/",
"policy": {
"statements": [
"actions": [
"conditions": [
"delimiters": [
"max_keys": [
"operator": "ip_address",
"prefixes": [
"source_ips": [
"usernames": [
"effect": "allow",
"principals": [
"resources": [
"sid": "FullAccessToUser1"
"qos_policy": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"max_throughput_iops": 10000,
"max_throughput_mbps": 500,
"min_throughput_iops": 2000,
"min_throughput_mbps": 500,
"name": "performance",
"uuid": "1cd8a442-86d1-11e0-ae1c-123478563412"
"retention": {
"default_period": "P10Y",
"mode": "governance"
"role": "string",
"size": 1677721600,
"storage_service_level": "value",
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"type": "s3",
"uuid": "414b29a1-3b26-11e9-bd58-0050568ea055",
"versioning_state": "enabled",
"volume": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "volume1",
"uuid": "028baa66-41bd-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"certificate": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "string",
"uuid": "1cd8a442-86d1-11e0-ae1c-123478563412"
"comment": "S3 server",
"default_unix_user": "string",
"default_win_user": "string",
"max_key_time_to_live": "PT6H3M",
"metric": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"duration": "PT15S",
"iops": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"latency": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"status": "ok",
"throughput": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"timestamp": "2017-01-25 06:20:13 -0500"
"name": "Server-1",
"port": 80,
"secure_port": 443,
"statistics": {
"iops_raw": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"latency_raw": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"status": "ok",
"throughput_raw": {
"read": 200,
"total": 1000,
"write": 100
"timestamp": "2017-01-25 06:20:13 -0500"
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"users": [
"access_key": "HJAKU28M3SXTE2UXUACV",
"comment": "S3 user",
"key_expiry_time": "2023-12-31 19:00:00 -0500",
"key_id": 1,
"key_time_to_live": "PT6H3M",
"keys": [
"access_key": "HJAKU28M3SXTE2UXUACV",
"expiry_time": "2023-12-31 19:00:00 -0500",
"id": 1,
"time_to_live": "PT6H3M"
"name": "user-1",
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
Status: 201, Created
Name | Type | Description |
num_records |
integer |
Number of Records |
records |
array[records] |
Example response
"num_records": 1,
"records": [
"_links": {
"next": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"job": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"uuid": "string"
"users": [
"_links": {
"next": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"access_key": "HJAKU28M3SXTE2UXUACV",
"key_expiry_time": "2023-12-31 19:00:00 -0500",
"name": "user-1",
"secret_key": "BcA_HX6If458llhnx3n1TCO3mg4roCXG0ddYf_cJ"
"warning": {
"message": "string"
Name | Description | Type |
Location |
Useful for tracking the resource location |
string |
Status: Default
ONTAP Error Response Codes
Error Code | Description |
2621706 |
The specified "{svm.uuid}" and "{}" refer to different SVMs. |
92405789 |
The specified object server name contains invalid characters or not a fully qualified domain name. Valid characters for an object store server name are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, ".", and "-". |
92405790 |
Object store server names must have between 3 and 253 characters. |
92405839 |
Creating an object store server requires an effective cluster version of data ONTAP 9.7.0 or later. Upgrade all the nodes to 9.7.0 or later and try the operation again. |
92405853 |
Failed to create the object store server because Cloud Volumes ONTAP does not support object store servers. |
92405863 |
An error occurs when creating an S3 user or bucket. The reason for failure is detailed in the error message. Follow the error codes specified for the user or bucket endpoints to see details for the failure. |
92405863 |
Failed to create bucket "{bucket name}". Reason: "Failed to create bucket "{bucket name}" for SVM "{}". Reason: Bucket name "{bucket name}" contains invalid characters. Valid characters for a bucket name are 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-". ". Resolve all the issues and retry the operation. |
92405863 |
Failed to create bucket "{bucket name}". Reason: "Failed to create bucket "{bucket name}" for SVM "{}". Reason: Invalid QoS policy group specified "{qos policy}". The specified QoS policy group has a min-throughput value set, and the workload being assigned resides on a platform that does not support min-throughput or the cluster is in a mixed version state and the effective cluster version of ONTAP does not support min-throughput on this platform. Resolve all the issues and retry the operation. |
92405863 |
Failed to create bucket "{bucket name}". Reason: "User(s) "{user name(s)}" specified in the principal list do not exist for SVM "{}". Use the "object-store-server user create" command to create a user.". Resolve all the issues and retry the operation. |
92405863 |
Failed to create user "{user name}". Reason: "SVM "Cluster" is not a data SVM. Specify a data SVM.". Resolve all the issues and retry the operation. |
92405884 |
An object store server can only be created on a data SVM. An object store server can also be created on a system SVM on a mixed platform cluster. |
92405903 |
Failed to configure HTTPS on an object store server for SVM "{}". Reason: {Reason of failure}. |
92405900 |
Certificate not found for SVM "{}". |
92406044 |
Failed to set default UNIX user for SVM "{}". Reason: UNIX user can only be created on a Data SVM. |
92406196 |
The specified value for the "key_time_to_live" field cannot be greater than the maximum limit specified for the "max_key_time_to_live" field in the object store server. |
92406197 |
Object store user "user-2" must have a non-zero value for the "key_time_to_live" field because the maximum limit specified for the "max_key_time_to_live" field in the object store server is not zero. |
Name | Type | Description |
error |
Example error
"error": {
"arguments": [
"code": "string",
"message": "string"
"code": "4",
"message": "entry doesn't exist",
"target": "uuid"
See Definitions
Name | Type | Description |
href |
string |
Name | Type | Description |
self |
Name | Type | Description |
self |
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
name |
string |
uuid |
string |
Audit event selector allows you to specify access and permission types to audit.
Name | Type | Description |
access |
string |
Specifies read and write access types. |
permission |
string |
Specifies allow and deny permission types. |
Name | Type | Description |
enabled |
boolean |
Specifies whether encryption is enabled on the bucket. By default, encryption is disabled on a bucket. This field cannot be specified in a POST method. |
Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags.
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
after_initiation_days |
integer |
Number of days of initiation after which uploads can be aborted. |
Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
expired_object_delete_marker |
boolean |
Cleanup object delete markers. |
object_age_days |
integer |
Number of days since creation after which objects can be deleted. This cannot be used along with object_expiry_date. |
object_expiry_date |
string |
Specific date from when objects can expire. This cannot be used with object_age_days. |
Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
new_non_current_versions |
integer |
Number of latest non-current versions to be retained. |
non_current_days |
integer |
Number of days after which non-current versions can be deleted. |
Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket.
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
prefix |
string |
A prefix that is matched against object-names within a bucket. |
size_greater_than |
integer |
Size of the object greater than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied. |
size_less_than |
integer |
Size of the object smaller than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied. |
tags |
array[string] |
An array of key-value paired tags of the form |
Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists.
Name | Type | Description |
_links |
name |
string |