Detect a Microsoft SQL Server instance
Detect a Microsoft SQL Server instance in BlueXP workload factory for Databases.
This task is for detecting an undetected instance.
When AWS credentials are associated in workload factory, Databases allows automated discovery of Microsoft SQL Servers beginning with SQL server 2016 with the following AWS storage types:
Elastic Block Store (EBS)
FSx for Windows File Server
In Databases, discovered instances are categorized as follows:
Undetected instances: undetected instances that have been automatically discovered by workload factory. Instances are undetected in the following cases:
Microsoft SQL Server authentication fails.
The FSx for ONTAP file system for the Microsoft SQL Server isn't registered with your account in workload factory.
Unmanaged instances: detected instances that are not managed by workload factory
Managed instances: detected instances that are managed by workload factory
The first step to managing a Microsoft SQL Server instance, or host instance, in workload factory for Databases is detecting an undetected database server instance.
The requirements for detecting an undetected database server instance are as follows:
You must have AWS account credentials to detect a database server instance in workload factory.
The storage type for the instance must be one of the following:
Elastic Block Store (EBS)
FSx for Windows File Server
EC2 instances must have a role/instance profile that allows SSM connection for detection to work.
When a Microsoft SQL instance is detected, the existing environment isn't modified. Detection happens through AWS Systems Manager Session Manager (SSM). Without the right IAM instance profile, detection will fail. Learn more about SSM troubleshooting.
Log in using one of the console experiences.
In the Databases tile, select Go to Databases inventory.
In Databases, select the Inventory tab.
Click the dropdown arrow to expand the row of the host to detect.
The host expands and host instances appear.
Click the three-dot menu of the instance to detect.
Click Detect.
In the Detect instance dialog, provide the Microsoft SQL Server user name and password or FSx for ONTAP user name and password.
Workload factory validates your Microsoft SQL credentials or FSx for ONTAP credentials.
If either of these credentials isn't available, workload factory tries to install the
module in PowerShell. -
Click Detect.
Detected instance information appears.
Select Yes, Manage instance via Workload Factory or No.
Click Done.
When the storage type for the host instance is FSx for ONTAP, you can manage the instance via workload factory.