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Script para recuperar la configuración del clúster
Sugerir cambios
La siguiente secuencia de comandos ofrece un ejemplo sencillo de cómo utilizar la biblioteca de clientes Python. Puede ejecutar el script mediante Python 3 en la interfaz de línea de comandos para recuperar la configuración del clúster de ONTAP.
# Description: Python script to retrieve the cluster configuration.
# Usage example:
# python3
# (C) Copyright 2024 NetApp, Inc.
# This sample code is provided AS IS, with no support or warranties of
# any kind, including but not limited for warranties of merchantability
# or fitness of any kind, expressed or implied. Permission to use,
# reproduce, modify and create derivatives of the sample code is granted
# solely for the purpose of researching, designing, developing and
# testing a software application product for use with NetApp products,
# provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
# that the software application product is distributed pursuant to terms
# no less restrictive than those set forth herein.
# For reading the password from the commandline
from getpass import getpass
# Global configuration for the library
from netapp_ontap import config
# Support for the connection to ONTAP
from netapp_ontap import HostConnection
# Specific API needed for this script
from netapp_ontap.resources import Cluster
# Create connection to the ONTAP management LIF
# (add verify=False if the certificate your cluster is serving is not trusted)
conn = HostConnection(
"<mgmt_ip>", username="admin", password=getpass("ONTAP admin password: "),
# Set connection as the default for all API calls
config.CONNECTION = conn
# Create new cluster object
clus = Cluster()
# Issue REST API call
# Display the cluster configuration