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Registros de eventos de XCP NFS


Revise ejemplos de registros de eventos para XCP NFS.

En la siguiente tabla se muestran los registros de eventos para XCP NFS.

ID del evento Plantilla de evento Ejemplo de evento


Mounted on NFS export <mount path> with maximum read block size <read block size> bytes, maximum write block size <write block size> bytes. Mount point has mode value<mode bits> and type: <fattr3 type>.

2020-07-14 03:53:59,811 - INFO {"Event ID":401, "Event Category": "Mounting unmounting file system", "Event Type": "Mount file system information", "ExecutionId": 408249379415, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01","Description": "Mounted on NFS export <IPaddress of NFS server>:/test1 with maximum read block size 65536 bytes, maximum write block size 65536 bytes. Mount point has mode value 493 and type : Directory"}


This license is issued to <username>of <company name>,license type is <license type> with <license status> status, license willexpire on <expire date>

2020-07-14 03:53:59,463 - INFO {"Event ID": 181, "Event Category": "Authentication and authorization", "Event Type": "License information", "ExecutionId": 408249379415, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "This license is issued to NetApp User of Network Appliance, Inc, license type is SANDBOX with ACTIVE status, license will expire on Thu Jul 1 00:00:00 2021"}


The license issued to <username> of <company name> will expire in less than one week

2020-07-14 04:02:55,151 - WARNING {"Event ID": 183, "Event Category": "Authentication and authorisation", "Event Type": "License warning", "ExecutionId": 408249519546, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "The license issued to NetApp User of Network Appliance, Inc will expire in less than one week"}


Catalog path <catalog volume path> to store catalog directory is not accessible. Refer user guide for configuring catalog volume.

2020-07-14 04:05:00,857 - ERROR {"Event ID": 581, "Event Category": "Catalog and indexing", "Event Type": "Catalog exporting error", "ExecutionId": 408249552351, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Catalog path <IP address of NFS server>:/test11 to store catalog directory is not accessible. Refer user guide for configuring catalog volume."}


Failed creating catalog directory in catalog volume path <catalog volume

2020-07-14 04:10:12,895 - ERROR {"Event ID": 582, "Event Category": "Catalog and indexing", "Event Type": "Catalog directory creation error", "ExecutionId": 408249630498, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Failed creating catalog directory in catalogvolume path"}


Error in creating index directory <index id> for <command>

2020-07-14 04:52:15,918 - ERROR {"Event ID":584, "Event Category": "Catalog and indexing", "Event Type": "Error in index creation", "ExecutionId": 408250278214, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Error in creating index directory abc7 for scan"}


Failed to create index <index id> in catalog volume while executing command :

2020-07-14 04:45:46,275 - ERROR {"Event ID": 586, "Event Category": "Catalog and indexing", "Event Type": "Error in index creation", "ExecutionId": 408250177021, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Failed to create index abc6 in catalog volume while executing command : scan {- newid: 'abc6'}"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command>, are : <CPU info>, <memory info>

2020-07-14 05:08:35,393 - INFO {"Event ID":351, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for scan", "ExecutionId": 408250529264, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : scan , are : CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, System memory (GiB): avail 7.3, total 7.8, free 6.6, buffer 0.1, cache 0.5"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform info> for source <source info>

2020-07-14 05:08:35,478 - INFO {"Event ID": 13, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp scan operation", "ExecutionId": 408250529264, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP command : scan {-newid: 'abc7'} is running on platform Linux-2.6.26-2-amd64-x86_64-with-debian- 5.0.10 for source"}


XCP scan completed successfully after scanning <scan item count> items. Source : <source scanned>

2020-07-14 05:08:35,653 - INFO {"Event ID": 14, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP scan completion", "ExecutionId": 408250529264, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP scan completed successfully after scanning 479 items. Source :"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command>, are : <CPU info>, <memory info>

2020-07-14 05:15:13,562 - INFO {"Event ID": 354, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for copy", "ExecutionId": 408250596708, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : copy , are : CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, System memory (GiB): avail 7.3, total 7.8, free 6.6, buffer 0.1, cache 0.5"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform info> for source <copy source> and destination <copy destination/target>

2020-07-14 05:15:13,647 - INFO {"Event ID": 25, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp copy operation", "ExecutionId": 408250596708, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP command : copy {} is running on platform Linux-2.6.26- 2-amd64-x86 64-with-debian-5.0.10 for source <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol and destination <NFS destination source>:/test1"}


XCP copy completed successfully after scanning <scanned item count> of which <matched item count> are matched and <copied item count> items are copied to the destination. Source : <copy source>, destination :<copy destination/target

2020-07-14 05:15:13,885 - INFO {"Event ID":26, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP copy completion", "ExecutionId": 408250596708, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP copy completed successfully after scanning 3 of which 0 are matched and 2 items are copied to the destination. Source : <IP address of NFS server>:/source_vol, destination : <NFS destination source>:/test1"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform info> for source <sync source> and destination <sync destination>

2020-07-14 06:41:20,145 - INFO {"Event ID":
16, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp sync operation", "ExecutionId": 408251920146, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP command : sync {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07- 14_06.22.07.233271'} is running on platform Linux-2.6.26-2-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-5.0.10 for source <IP address of NFS server>:/src_vol and destination <NFS destination source>:/dest_vol"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command>, are : <CPU info>, <memory info>

2020-07-14 06:41:28,728 - INFO {"Event ID": 352, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resource available for sync", "ExecutionId": 408251920146, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : sync {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07-14_06.22.07.233271'} , are : CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, System memory (GiB): avail 7.2, total 7.8, free 6.6, buffer 0.1, cache 0.5"}


XCP sync is completed. Total scanned <scanned item count>, copied
<copied item count>, modification <modification item count>, new file <new file count>, delete item <delete item count>. Command executed : <command>

2020-07-14 06:41:29,245 - INFO {"Event ID":17, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP sync completion", "ExecutionId": 408251920146, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP sync is completed. Total scanned 66, copied 0, modification 1, new file 0, delete item 0. Command executed : sync {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07-14_06.22.07.233271'}"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform info> for source <verify source> and destination <verify destination>

2020-07-14 06:54:59,084 - INFO {"Event ID": 19, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp verify operation", "ExecutionId": 408252130477, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP command : verify {} is running on platform Linux-2.6.26-2-amd64-x86_64-with- debian-5.0.10 for source <IP address of NFS server>:/src_vol and destination <IP address of NFS destination server>:/dest_vol"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command>, are : <CPU info>, <memory info>

2020-07-14 06:54:59,085 - INFO {"Event ID": 353, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for verify", "ExecutionId": 408252130477, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01","Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : verify , are : CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, System memory (GiB): avail 7.3, total 7.8, free 6.6, buffer 0.1, cache 0.5"}


log file path : <file path> , severity filter level <severity level>, log message sanitization is set as <sanitization value>

2020-07-14 06:40:59,104 - INFO {"Event ID": 211, "Event Category": "Logging and supportability", "Event Type": "XCP logging information", "ExecutionId": 408251920146, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Log file path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/xcp.log, severity filter level INFO, log message sanitization is set as False"}


Event file path: <file path>, severity filter level <severity level>, event message sanitization is set as <sanitization value>

2020-07-14 06:40:59,105 - INFO {"Event ID": 215, "Event Category": "Logging and supportability", "Event Type": "XCP event information", "ExecutionId": 408251920146, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Event file path :/opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/xcp_event.log, severity filter level INFO, event message sanitization is set as False"}


Catalog volume is left with no free space please increase the size of catalog volume <catalog volume running out of space>

2020-07-14 04:10:12,897 - ERROR {"Event ID":54, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "No space left on Catalog volume error", "ExecutionId": 408249630498, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Catalog volume is left with no free space. Please increase the size of catalog volume<IP address of NFS destination server>:/cat_vol"}


Catalog volume <catalog volume> is left with no free space to store index <index id> while executing <command>. Please increase the size of the catalog volume <catalog volume running out of space>

2020-07-14 04:52:15,922 - ERROR {"Event ID": 53, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "No space left for catalog volume error", "ExecutionId": 408250278214, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Catalog volume is left with no free space to store index abc7 while executing : scan {-newid: 'abc7'}. Please increase the size of the catalog volume <IP address of NFS destination server>:/cat_vol"}


NFS LIF <LIF IP> is not reachable for path <volume path without IP> while executing <command>. Please check volume is not offline and is reachable.

2020-07-14 07:38:20,100 - ERROR {"Event ID":61, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "NFS mount has failed", "ExecutionId": 408252799101, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "NFS LIF <IP address of NFS destination server> is not reachable for path /test11 while executing : scan {}. Please check volume is not offline and is reachable"}


TCP connection could not be established for IP address <IP>. Check network setting and configuration.

2020-07-14 07:44:44,578 - ERROR {"Event ID": 71, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "IP is not active", "ExecutionId": 408252889541, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "TCP connection could not be established to the address <IP address of NFS destination server>. Check network setting and configuration."} (UT done)


Target volume is left with no free space while executing: <command>. Please increase the size of target volume <volume running out of space>.

2020-07-14 07:07:07,286 - ERROR {"Event ID": 51, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "No space left on destination error", "ExecutionId": 408252316712, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Target volume is left with no free space while executing : copy {}. Please increase the size of target volume <IP address of NFS destination server>:/cat_vol"}


Index id {} is already present . Use new index id and rerun command :

2020-07-14 09:18:41,441 - ERROR {"Event ID": 76, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "Index ID problem", "ExecutionId": null, "Event Source": "NETAPP- 01", "Description": "Index id asd is already present . Use new index id and rerun command: scan {-newid: 'asd'} "}


CPU usage has crossed <percentage CPU used>%

2020-06-16 00:17:28,294 - ERROR {"Event ID": 362, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "resources available for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP- 01 ", "Description": "CPU Usage has crossed 90.07%"}


Memory Usage has crossed <percentage memory used>%

2020-06-16 00:17:28,300 - ERROR {"Event ID": 363, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "resources available for xcp", "Event Source": "NETAPP- 01", "Description": "Memory Usage has crossed 95%"}


XCP <command> is running on platform <platform information> for source <resume source> and destination <resume destination>

2020-07-14 06:24:26,768 - INFO {"Event ID": 22, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "Starting xcp resume operation", "ExecutionId": 408251663404, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP command : resume {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07-14_06.22.07.233271'} is running on platform Linux-2.6.26-2-amd64- x86_64-with-debian-5.0.10 for source <IP address for NFS sever>:/src_vol and destination <IP address of NFS destination server>:/dest_vol"}


System resources available while executing xcp command: <command> , are : <CPU info>, <memory information>

2020-07-14 06:24:26,837 - INFO {"Event ID": 356, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resource available for resume", "ExecutionId": 408251663404, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01","Description": "System resources available while executing xcp command : resume {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07-14_06.22.07.233271'} , are : CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, System memory (GiB): avail 7.2,total 7.8, free 6.6, buffer 0.1, cache 0.5"}


XCP resume is completed. Total scanned items <scanned item count>, total copied items <copied item count>. Command executed :<command>

2020-07-14 06:26:15,608 - INFO {"Event ID": 23, "Event Category": "XCP job status", "Event Type": "XCP resume completion", "ExecutionId": 408251663404, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "XCP resume is completed. Total scanned items 5982, total copied items 5973. Command executed : resume {-id: 'autoname_copy_2020-07- 14_06.22.07.233271'} "}


Index id <index id> is already present. Use new index id and rerun command : <command>

2020-07-14 09:43:08,381 - ERROR {"Event ID": 76, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "Index ID problem", "ExecutionId": null, "Event Source": "NETAPP- 01", "Description": "Index id asd is already present . Use new index id and rerun command : scan {-newid: 'asd'} "}


Index id <index id> used while executing sync is incomplete. Try resume on the existing index id <index id>

2020-07-14 10:33:09,307 - ERROR {"Event ID": 82, "Event Category": "Application failure", "Event Type": "Incomplete index used for sync", "ExecutionId": null, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": "Index id autoname_copy_2020-07-14_10.28.22.323897 used while executing sync is incomplete. Try resume on the existing index id autoname_copy_2020-07-14_10.28.22.323897."}


CPU utilization reduced to <CPU percentage used>%

2020-07-14 09:43:08 381 - ERROR {"Event ID": 364, "Event Category": "System resource utilization", "Event Type": "Resources available for xcp", "ExecutionId": 408251663404, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": " CPU utilization reduced to 26%}


Memory utilization reduced to <CPU percentage used>%

2020-07-14 09:43:08,381 - INFO {"Event ID": 364, "Event Category": " Resources available for xcp", "Event Type": "Resources available for xcp", "ExecutionId": 408351663478, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": " Memory utilization reduced to 16.2%"}


XCP command <command> has failed

2020-07-14 09:43:08,381 - INFO {"Event ID": 10, "Event Category": " Xcp job status", "Event Type": "XCP command failure", "ExecutionId":4082516634506, "Event Source": "NETAPP-01", "Description": " XCP command verify has failed”