Fail back applications to the original source
After a disaster has been resolved, fail back from the disaster recovery site to the source site to return to normal operations. You can select the snapshot from which to recover.
In this workflow, BlueXP disaster recovery replicates (resyncs) any changes back to the original source virtual machine before reversing the replication direction. This process starts from a relationship that has completed failing over to a target and involves the following steps:
On the target site, the virtual machines are powered off and unregistered, and volumes are unmounted.
The SnapMirror relationship on the original source is broken to make it read/write.
The SnapMirror relationship is resynchronized to reverse the replication.
The source virtual machines are powered on and registered, and volumes are mounted on the source.
From the BlueXP left nav, select Protection > Disaster recovery.
From the BlueXP disaster recovery top menu, select Replication plans.
Select the replication plan.
On the right, select the Actions option
and select Fail back.
Enter the replication plan name to confirm and start the failback.
Choose the snapshot for the datastore from which to recover. The default is the latest.
To check the progress, in the top menu, select Job monitoring.