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BlueXP disaster recovery

Set up licensing for BlueXP disaster recovery

Contributors amgrissino netapp-tonias netapp-bcammett

With BlueXP disaster recovery, you can use different licensing plans including a free trial, a pay-as-you-go subscription, or bring your own license.

You can use the following license types:

  • Sign up for a 30-day free trial.

  • Purchase a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) subscription with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.

  • Bring your own license (BYOL), which is a NetApp License File (NLF) that you obtain from your NetApp Sales Rep. You can use the license serial number to get the BYOL activated in BlueXP digital wallet.

Note BlueXP disaster recovery charges are based on used capacity of datastores on the source site when there is at least one VM that has a replication plan. Capacity for a failed over datastore is not included in the capacity allowance. For a BYOL, if the data exceeds the allowed capacity, operations in the service are limited until you obtain an additional capacity license or upgrade the license in BlueXP digital wallet.

After the free trial ends or the license expires, you can still do the following in the service:

  • View any resource, such as a workload or replication plan.

  • Delete any resource, such as a workload or replication plan.

  • Run all scheduled operations that were created during the trial period or under the license.

Try it out using a 30-day free trial

You can try BlueXP disaster recovery out by using a 30-day free trial.

Note No capacity limits are enforced during the trial.

To continue after the trial, you'll need to purchase a BYOL license or PAYGO AWS subscription. You can get a license at any time and you will not be charged until the trial ends.

During the trial, you have full functionality.

  1. Access the BlueXP console.

  2. Log in to BlueXP.

  3. From the BlueXP left navigation, select Protection > Disaster recovery.

    If this is your first time logging in to this service, the landing page appears.

    Landing page screenshot for BlueXP disaster recovery

  4. If you haven't already added a Connector for other services, add one.

    To add a Connector, refer to Learn about Connectors.

  5. After you set up a Connector, in the BlueXP disaster recovery landing page, the button to add a Connector changes to a button for starting a free trial. Select Start free trial.

  6. Begin by adding vCenters.

    For details, see Add vCenter sites.

After the trial ends, subscribe through AWS Marketplace

After the free trial ends, you can either purchase a license from NetApp or subscribe through AWS Marketplace. This procedure provides a high level overview of how to subscribe directly in the AWS Marketplace.

  1. In the BlueXP disaster recovery, you see a message that the free trial is expiring. In the message, select Subscribe or purchase a license.

  2. Select Subscribe in AWS Marketplace.

  3. In AWS Marketplace, select View purchase options. Use AWS Marketplace to subscribe to BlueXP disaster recovery.

  4. When you return to BlueXP disaster recovery, a message states that you are subscribed.

    You can view subscription details in BlueXP digital wallet. Learn more managing subscriptions with digital wallet.

After the trial ends, purchase a BYOL license through NetApp

After the trial ends, you can purchase a license through your NetApp Sales Rep.

If you bring your own license (BYOL), the set up includes purchasing the license, getting the NetApp License File (NLF), and adding the license to BlueXP digital wallet.

Add the license to BlueXP digital wallet*
After you've purchased your BlueXP disaster recovery license from your NetApp Sales Rep, you can manage the license in digital wallet.

Update your BlueXP license when it expires

If your licensed term is nearing the expiration date, or if your licensed capacity is reaching the limit, you'll be notified in the BlueXP disaster recovery UI. You can update your BlueXP disaster recovery license before it expires so that there is no interruption in your ability to access your scanned data.

Tip This message also appears in BlueXP digital wallet and in Notifications.

End the free trial

You can stop the free trial at any time or you can wait until it expires.

  1. In BlueXP disaster recovery, at the top right, select Free trial - View details.

  2. In the drop-down details, select End free trial.

    End free trial page

  3. If you want to delete all data, check Delete all data when my trial ends.

    This will delete all schedules, replication plans, resource groups, vCenters, and sites. Audit data, operation logs, and jobs history are retained until the end of the life of the product.

    Note If you end the free trial and not asked to delete data and you don't purchase a license or subscription, 60 days after the free trial ends, BlueXP disaster recovery deletes all of your data.
  4. Type "end trial" in the text box.

  5. Select End.