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Create an S3 user configuration


POST /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/users

Introduced In: 9.7

Creates the S3 user configuration.

Important notes

  • Each SVM can have one or more user configurations.

  • If user creation is successful, a user access_key and secret_key is returned as part of the response.

  • If user keys have expiry configuration, then "key_expiry_time" is also returned as part of the response.

Required properties

  • svm.uuid - Existing SVM in which to create the user configuration.

  • name - User name that is to be created.

Default property values

  • comment - ""

  • vserver object-store-server user create


Name Type In Required Description





The default is false. If set to true, the records are returned.

  • Default value:





UUID of the SVM to which this object belongs.

Request Body

Name Type Description



Specifies the access key for the user.



Can contain any additional information about the user being created or modified.



Specifies the date and time after which keys expire and are no longer valid.



Indicates the time period from when this parameter is specified:

  • when creating or modifying a user or

  • when the user keys were last regenerated, after which the user keys expire and are no longer valid.

  • Valid format is: 'PnDTnHnMnS|PnW'. For example, P2DT6H3M10S specifies a time period of 2 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes, and 10 seconds.

  • If the value specified is '0' seconds, then the keys won't expire.



Specifies the name of the user. A user name length can range from 1 to 64 characters and can only contain the following combination of characters 0-9, A-Z, a-z, "_", "+", "=", ",", ".","@", and "-".



SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects.

Example request
  "access_key": "HJAKU28M3SXTE2UXUACV",
  "comment": "S3 user",
  "key_expiry_time": "2023-12-31 19:00:00 -0500",
  "key_time_to_live": "PT6H3M",
  "name": "user-1",
  "svm": {
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/resourcelink"
    "name": "svm1",
    "uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"


Status: 201, Created
Name Type Description



Number of records



Example response
  "num_records": 1,
  "records": [
      "_links": {
        "next": {
          "href": "/api/resourcelink"
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/resourcelink"
      "access_key": "HJAKU28M3SXTE2UXUACV",
      "key_expiry_time": "2023-12-31 19:00:00 -0500",
      "name": "user-1",
      "secret_key": "BcA_HX6If458llhnx3n1TCO3mg4roCXG0ddYf_cJ"


Name Description Type


Useful for tracking the resource location



Status: Default

ONTAP Error Response Codes

Error Code Description


User name "User#1" contains invalid characters. Valid characters for a user name are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, "_", "+", "=", ",", ".", "@", and "-".


User name "User0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345" is not valid. User names must have between 1 and 64 characters.


Failed to create access-key and secret-key.


SVM "" is not a data SVM. Specify a data SVM. //end row //start row

//end row //start row

92406083 //end row //start row

The maximum supported value for user key expiry configuration is "1095" days. //end row //start row

//end row //start row

92406096 //end row //start row

The user does not have permission to access the requested resource "{0}". //end row //start row

//end row //start row

92406097 //end row //start row

Internal error. The operation configuration is not correct. //end row //start row

//end row //start row

92406196 //end row //start row

The specified value for the "key_time_to_live" field cannot be greater than the maximum limit specified for the "max_key_time_to_live" field in the object store server. //end row //start row

//end row //start row

92406197 //end row //start row

Object store user "user-2" must have a non-zero value for the "key_time_to_live" field because the maximum limit specified for the "max_key_time_to_live" field in the object store server is not zero. //end row

|Name |Type |Description

|error |returned_error a|

.Example error [%collapsible%closed] ==== [source,json,subs=+macros] { "error": { "arguments": [ { "code": "string", "message": "string" } ], "code": "4", "message": "entry doesn't exist", "target": "uuid" } } ====

== Definitions

[.api-def-first-level] .See Definitions [%collapsible%closed] ==== [#href] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] href


|Name |Type |Description

|href |string a|

[#_links] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] _links


|Name |Type |Description

|self |href a|

[#svm] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] svm

SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects.


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |_links a|

|name |string a|The name of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.

|uuid |string a|The unique identifier of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.

[#s3_user] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_user

This is a container of S3 users.


|Name |Type |Description

|access_key |string a|Specifies the access key for the user.

|comment |string a|Can contain any additional information about the user being created or modified.

|key_expiry_time |string a|Specifies the date and time after which keys expire and are no longer valid.

|key_time_to_live |string a|Indicates the time period from when this parameter is specified:

  • when creating or modifying a user or

  • when the user keys were last regenerated, after which the user keys expire and are no longer valid.

  • Valid format is: 'PnDTnHnMnS\|PnW'. For example, P2DT6H3M10S specifies a time period of 2 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes, and 10 seconds.

  • If the value specified is '0' seconds, then the keys won't expire.

|name |string a|Specifies the name of the user. A user name length can range from 1 to 64 characters and can only contain the following combination of characters 0-9, A-Z, a-z, "_", "+", "=", ",", ".","@", and "-".

|svm |svm a|SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects.

[#collection_links] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] collection_links


|Name |Type |Description

|next |href a|

|self |href a|

[#s3_service_user_post_response] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_service_user_post_response


|Name |Type |Description

|_links |collection_links a|

|access_key |string a|Specifies the access key for the user.

|key_expiry_time |string a|Specifies the date and time after which the keys expire and are no longer valid.

|name |string a|The name of the user.

|secret_key |string a|Specifies the secret key for the user.

[#error_arguments] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] error_arguments


|Name |Type |Description

|code |string a|Argument code

|message |string a|Message argument

[#returned_error] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] returned_error


|Name |Type |Description

|arguments |array[error_arguments] a|Message arguments

|code |string a|Error code

|message |string a|Error message

|target |string a|The target parameter that caused the error.
