O comando SMB scan
verifica recursivamente todo o compartilhamento SMB e lista todos os arquivos até o final scan
do comando.
xcp scan \\<SMB share path>
Mostrar exemplo
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>xcp scan \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\volxcp c:\netapp\xcp\xcp scan \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share volxcp\3333.txt volxcp\SMB.txt volxcp\SMB1.txt volxcp\com.txt volxcp\commands.txt volxcp\console.txt volxcp\linux.txt volxcp\net use.txt volxcp\newcom.txt volxcp\notepad.txt c:\netapp\xcp\xcp scan \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\source_share 60,345 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 8s STATUS : PASSED C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>Parameters
A tabela a seguir lista os scan
parâmetros e sua descrição.
Parâmetro | Descrição |
Apresenta informações detalhadas sobre como utilizar o comando Scan. |
Aumenta a verbosidade de depuração. |
Especifica o número de processos simultâneos (padrão: <cpu-count>). |
Apenas processa arquivos e diretórios que correspondem ao filtro. |
Exclui apenas arquivos e diretórios no filtro. |
Restaura a última data acessada na origem. |
Limita a profundidade de pesquisa a n níveis. |
Lista os arquivos no formato de relatório estatístico de árvore. |
Lista os arquivos no formato de relatório HTML estatístico de árvore. |
Lista os arquivos no formato de relatório CSV de estatísticas de árvore. |
Lista os arquivos no formato de saída de listagem longa. |
Recupera informações de propriedade de arquivos e diretórios no sistema de origem. |
Resume o uso de espaço de cada diretório, incluindo subdiretórios. |
Formata a listagem de arquivos de acordo com a expressão Python ( `xcp help -fmt`consulte para obter detalhes). |
Verifica recursivamente todo o compartilhamento SMB e lista todos os arquivos e quaisquer fluxos de dados alternativos associados. |
scan -h, –-help
Use os -h
parâmetros e –-help
com o scan
comando para exibir informações detalhadas sobre como usar o comando scan.
xcp scan --help
Mostrar exemplo
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan --help usage: xcp scan [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-exclude <filter>] [-preserve-atime] [-depth <n>] [-loglevel <name>] [-stats] [-l] [-ownership] [-du] [-fmt <expression>] [-html] [-csv] [-edupe] [-bs <n>] [-ads] source positional arguments: source optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v increase debug verbosity -parallel <n> number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>) -match <filter> only process files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -match` for details) -exclude <filter> Exclude files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -exclude` for details) -preserve-atime restore last accessed date on source -depth <n> limit the search depth -loglevel <name> option to set log level filter (default:INFO) -stats print tree statistics report -l detailed file listing output -ownership retrieve ownership information -du summarize space usage of each directory including subdirectories -fmt <expression> format file listing according to the python expression (see `xcp help -fmt` for details) -html Save HTML statistics report -csv Save CSV statistics report -edupe Include dedupe and sparse data estimate in reports (see documentation for details) -bs <n> read/write block size for scans which read data with -edupe (default: 64k) -ads scan NTFS alternate data stream
digitalização -v
Use o -v
parâmetro com o scan
comando para fornecer informações detalhadas de Registro para solucionar problemas ou depurar quando um erro ou aviso é relatado.
xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share ---Truncated output---- source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -parallel <n>
Use o -parallel <n>
parâmetro com o scan
comando para definir um número maior ou menor de processos simultâneos XCP.
O valor máximo para n é 61. |
xcp scan -parallel <n> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\ cifs_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt cifs_share\agnostic cifs_share xcp scan -parallel 8 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -match <filter>
Use o -match <filter>
parâmetro com o scan
comando para processar somente arquivos e diretórios que correspondam ao filtro.
xcp scan -match <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
No exemplo a seguir, scan -match
verifica todos os arquivos que foram alterados entre um mês e um ano e imprime uma linha no console para cada arquivo encontrado. O formato ISO de seu último tempo de modificação, um tamanho legível por humanos do arquivo, seu tipo e seu caminho relativo são retornados para cada arquivo.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7}{} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match 1*month < modified < 1*year -fmt '{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
No exemplo a seguir, scan -match
lista os arquivos que não foram modificados por mais de 3 meses e têm um tamanho maior que 4MB.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "modified > 3*month and size > 4194304" -fmt "'{},{}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "modified > 3*month and size > 4194304" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match modified > 3*month and size > 4194304 -fmt '{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
O primeiro dos dois exemplos a seguir corresponde apenas aos diretórios e a formatação adiciona uma vírgula entre as variáveis "mtime", "caminho relativo" e "profundidade".
O segundo exemplo redireciona a mesma saída para "name.csv".
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 2013-03-07_15:41:40.376072,source_share\agnostic,1 2020-03-05_04:15:07.769268,source_share,0 xcp scan -match type is directory -fmt ','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 2 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share > name.csv xcp scan -match "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share > name.csv
O exemplo a seguir imprime o caminho completo e o valor bruto mtime
de todos os arquivos que não são diretórios. O mtime
valor é preenchido com 70 carateres para facilitar um relatório de console legível.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -match "type is not directory" -fmt "'{}{:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -match "type is not directory" -fmt "'{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share --truncated output-- \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.238098 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.264073 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.394938 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.402936 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.410922 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.443902 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.444905 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.322019 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.446889 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.4479 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\ 1362688899.562795 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.358093 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.359095 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.360094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.3611 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe 1362688900.362094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.363094 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.364092 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\ 1362688900.375077 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt 1362688900.376076 xcp scan -match type is not directory -fmt '{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 315 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -excluir <filter>
Use o -exclude <filter>
comando com o scan
para excluir diretórios e arquivos com base no padrão no filtro.
xcp scan -exclude <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
No exemplo a seguir, scan -exclude
exclui qualquer arquivo que tenha mudado entre um mês e um ano e imprime uma linha no console para cada arquivo que não é excluído. Os detalhes impressos para cada arquivo são o formato ISO de seu último tempo de modificação, um tamanho legível por humanos do arquivo, seu tipo e seu caminho relativo.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7}{} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname ofSMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic xcp scan -exclude "1*month < modified < 1*year" -fmt "'{:>15} {:>7} {}{}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic 2013-03-07_15:39:22.852698 46 regular agnostic\P4ENV 2013-03-07_15:40:27.093887 8.40KiB regular agnostic\Client_outage.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.381870 23.0KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Configuration_Of_LLA_In_SK_BSD.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.382876 12.0KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Default_Route_changes.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.383870 25.8KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_Port_Role_Change.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.385863 28.6KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_processing_And_Default_Route_Installation.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:38.386865 21.8KiB regular agnostic\IPv6_RA_processing_large_No_Prefix.thpl 2013-03-07_15:40:40.323163 225 regular agnostic\Makefile 2013-03-07_15:40:40.324160 165 regular agnostic\Makefile.template ----truncated output ---- 2013-03-07_15:45:36.668516 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor\symfony\src 2013-03-07_15:45:36.668514 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor\symfony 2013-03-07_15:45:40.782881 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder\vendor 2013-03-07_15:45:40.992685 0 directory agnostic\tools\limits_finder 2013-03-07_15:45:53.242817 0 directory agnostic\tools 2013-03-07_15:46:11.334815 0 directory agnostic xcp scan -exclude 1*month < modified < 1*year -fmt '{:>15} {:>7} {} {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), type, relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic 140,856 scanned, 1 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 46s STATUS : PASSED
No exemplo a seguir, scan -exclude
lista os arquivos não excluídos que não foram modificados por mais de três meses e têm um tamanho maior que 5,5 KB. Os detalhes que são impressos para cada arquivo são o formato ISO de seu último tempo de modificação, um tamanho legível por humanos do arquivo, seu tipo e seu caminho relativo.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "modified > 3*month and size > 5650" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror xcp scan -exclude "modified > 3*month and size > 5650" -fmt "'{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size) relpath)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 2013-03-07_15:44:53.713279, 4.31KiB, snapmirror\rsm_abort.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.714269, 3.80KiB, snapmirror\rsm_break.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.715270, 3.99KiB, snapmirror\rsm_init.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.716268, 2.41KiB, snapmirror\rsm_quiesce.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.717263, 2.70KiB, snapmirror\rsm_release.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.718260, 4.06KiB, snapmirror\rsm_resume.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.720256, 4.77KiB, snapmirror\rsm_resync.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.721258, 3.83KiB, snapmirror\rsm_update.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.724256, 4.74KiB, snapmirror\sm_quiesce.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.725254, 4.03KiB, snapmirror\sm_resync.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.727249, 4.30KiB, snapmirror\sm_store_complete.thpl 2013-03-07_15:44:53.729250, 0, snapmirror xcp scan -exclude modified > 3*month and size > 5650 -fmt '{}, {}, {}'.format(iso(mtime), humanize_size(size), relpath) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 18 scanned, 6 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Este exemplo a seguir exclui diretórios. Ele lista os arquivos não excluídos com formatação que adiciona uma vírgula entre as variáveis mtime
, relpath
e depth
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror xcp scan -exclude "type is directory" -fmt "','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath,depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 2013-03-07_15:44:53.712271,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.713279,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.714269,snapmirror\,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.715270,snapmirror\rsm_init.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.716268,snapmirror\rsm_quiesce.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.717263,snapmirror\rsm_release.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.718260,snapmirror\rsm_resume.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.720256,snapmirror\rsm_resync.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.721258,snapmirror\rsm_update.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.722261,snapmirror\sm_init.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.723257,snapmirror\sm_init_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.724256,snapmirror\sm_quiesce.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.725254,snapmirror\sm_resync.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.726250,snapmirror\sm_retrieve_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.727249,snapmirror\sm_store_complete.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.728256,snapmirror\sm_update.thpl,1 2013-03-07_15:44:53.729260,snapmirror\sm_update_start.thpl,1 xcp scan -exclude type is directory -fmt ','.join(map(str, [iso(mtime), relpath, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\localtest\arch\win32\agnostic\snapmirror 18 scanned, 1 excluded, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
Este exemplo a seguir imprime o caminho completo do arquivo e o bruto mtimevalue
de todos os arquivos que não são diretórios. O mtimevalue
é acolchoado com 70 carateres para facilitar um relatório de console legível.
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -exclude "type is not directory" -fmt "'{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime)" \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\source_share xcp scan -exclude type is not directory -fmt '{} {:>70}'.format(abspath, mtime) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 18 scanned, 17 excluded, 0errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -preservar-tempo
Use o -preserve-atime
parâmetro com o scan
comando para restaurar a última data acessada de todos os arquivos na origem e redefinir o atime
para o valor original antes que o XCP leia o arquivo.
Ao digitalizar um compartilhamento SMB, o tempo de acesso é modificado nos arquivos (se o sistema de armazenamento estiver configurado para modificar atime
na leitura) porque o XCP está lendo os arquivos um a um. O XCP nunca altera o atime
, apenas lê o ficheiro, que aciona uma atualização no atime
xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMBserver>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
scan -depth <n> (exame - profundidade)
Use o -depth <n>
parâmetro com o scan
comando para limitar a profundidade de pesquisa de diretórios dentro de um compartilhamento SMB.
A –depth opção especifica como o Deep XCP pode digitalizar os arquivos para os subdiretórios.
xcp scan -depth <2> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\ source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt source_share\agnostic source_share xcp scan -depth 2 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
estatísticas de exame
Use o -stats
parâmetro com o scan
comando para listar arquivos em um formato de relatório de estatísticas de árvore.
xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 88.2MiB 3 108 20 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 4.74MiB 2 21 9 == Top File Extensions == no extension .PDF .exe .html .whl .py other 22 2 2 2 2 1 9 20.0KiB 1.54MiB 88.4MiB 124KiB 1.47MiB 1.62KiB 98.3MiB == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 2 24 2 7 2 3 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.0KiB 124KiB 2.87MiB 2.91MiB 184MiB 0 == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 4 1 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 45 == Modified == >1 year 9-12 months 6-9 months 3-6 months 1-3 months 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future <1970 invalid 44 1 190MiB == Created == >1 year 9-12 months 6-9 months 3-6 months 1-3 months 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future <1970 invalid 45 190MiB Total count: 45 Directories: 5 Regular files: 40 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files: 190MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 190MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\cifs_share 45 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -html
Use o -html
parâmetro com o scan
comando para listar arquivos em um relatório de estatísticas HTML.
Os relatórios XCP (.csv, .html) são salvos no mesmo local que o binário XCP. O nome do arquivo está no formato <xcp_process_id>_<time_stamp>.html. Quando o XCP não consegue mapear identificadores de segurança (SIDs) para nomes de proprietários, ele usa os últimos dígitos após o "–" final no SID para representar o proprietário. Por exemplo, quando o XCP não consegue mapear o SID S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 para seu proprietário, ele representa o proprietário usando 4854184. |
xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
Z:\scripts\xcp\windows>xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 1,972 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 7s 4,768 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,12s 7,963 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,17s 10,532 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,22s 12,866 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,27s 15,770 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,32s 17,676 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,37s == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 535KiB 16 33 45 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 10.3KiB 7 11 6 == Top File SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-3403389 9318 8470 1 == Top Space SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-3403389 76.8MiB 69.8MiB 0 == Top File Extensions == py .rst .html no extension .txt .png other 5418 3738 1974 1197 630 336 1344 == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 168 11466 2709 294 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.4MiB 55.3MiB 66.9MiB == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 42 2690 420 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 3832 12527 1424 6 == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 11718 2961 3110 == Created == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 1 17788 == Accessed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 14624 3165 Total count: 17789 Directories: 3152 Regular files: 14637 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files:147MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 147MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats -html -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname ofSMB server>\source_share 17,789 scanned, 0 matched, 0errors Total Time : 39s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -csv
Use o -csv
parâmetro com o scan
comando para listar arquivos em um relatório de estatísticas de árvore CSV.
xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
Z:\scripts\xcp\windows>xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 1,761 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 6s 4,949 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,11s 7,500 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,16s 10,175 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,21s 12,371 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,26s 15,330 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,31s 17,501 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors,36s == Maximum Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 535KiB 16 33 45 == Average Values == Size Depth Namelen Dirsize 10.3KiB 7 11 6 == Top File SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150- 3383017265-3403389 9318 8470 1 == Top Space SIDs == S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150-3383017265-4854184 S-1-5-32-544 S-1-5-21-1896871423-3211229150- 3383017265-3403389 76.8MiB 69.8MiB 0 == Top File Extensions == .py .rst .html no extension .txt .png other 5418 3738 1974 1197 630 336 1344 == Number of files == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 168 11466 2709 294 == Space used == empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB 0 24.4MiB 55.3MiB 66.9MiB 0 0 0 == Directory entries == empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10K 42 2690 420 == Depth == 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100 3832 12527 1424 6 == Modified == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 11718 2961 3110 == Created == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 17789 == Accessed == >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future invalid 15754 2035 Total count: 17789 Directories: 3152 Regular files: 14637 Symbolic links: Junctions: Special files: Total space for regular files: 147MiB Total space for directories: 0 Total space used: 147MiB Dedupe estimate: N/A Sparse data: N/A xcp scan -stats -csv -preserve-atime -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 17,789 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 40s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -l
Use o -l
parâmetro com o scan
comando para listar arquivos no formato de saída de listagem longa.
xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share f 195KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 34.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 4.11KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 38.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 3.83KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 70.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 2.65KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 60.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 36.9KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 8.98KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 19.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 20.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 2.28KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 18.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 43.0KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 19.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 33.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 3.47KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 37.8KiB 7y0d source_share\ f 188KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 15.9KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 13.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 41.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 24.0KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 34.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 30.2KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 40.9KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 15.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 29.3KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 13.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 5.55KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe f 3.92KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 35.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 40.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f 6.22KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt d 0 7y0d source_share\agnostic d 0 19h17m source_share xcp scan -l \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
leitura - propriedade
Use o -ownership
parâmetro com o scan
comando para recuperar informações de propriedade para arquivos.
Só pode utilizar -ownership com os -l parâmetros , -match , , -fmt ou -stats .
xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share f BUILTIN\Administrators 195KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 34.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 4.11KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 38.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.83KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 70.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.65KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 60.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 36.9KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 8.98KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 19.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 20.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.28KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 18.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 43.0KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 19.7KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 33.3KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.47KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 37.8KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 2.44KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 37.2KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 17.1KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 9.21KiB 7y0d source_share\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 15.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 29.3KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 13.7KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 5.55KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe f BUILTIN\Administrators 3.92KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 35.8KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 40.4KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\ f BUILTIN\Administrators 6.22KiB 7y0d source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt d BUILTIN\Administrators 7y0d source_share\agnostic d BUILTIN\Administrators xcp scan -l -ownership \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
digitalização -du
Use o -du
parâmetro com o scan
comando para resumir o uso de espaço de cada diretório, incluindo subdiretórios.
xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 569KiB source_share\agnostic 19.8MiB source_share xcp scan -du \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -fmt <expression>
Use o -fmt <expression>
parâmetro com o scan
comando para formatar uma listagem de arquivo de acordo com uma expressão definida.
xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IPaddress or hostname of SMB server>\source_share
Mostrar exemplo
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share xcp scan -fmt "', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth]))" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share source_share\,, 199239, 1 source_share\,, 35506, 1 source_share\,, 4204, 1 source_share\,, 39024, 1 source_share\,, 3924, 1 source_share\,, 71777, 1 source_share\,, 2714, 1 source_share\,, 61699, 1 source_share\,, 37780, 1 source_share\,, 9195, 1 source_share\,, 19779, 1 source_share\,, 21215, 1 source_share\,, 2337, 1 source_share\agnostic\,, 30962, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 41868, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 16057,2 source_share\agnostic\,, 30018,2 source_share\agnostic\,, 14067, 2 source_share\agnostic\RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe, RbacCmdFetcher_ReadMe, 5685, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 4019, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 36624, 2 source_share\agnostic\,, 41344, 2 source_share\agnostic\flatfile.txt, flatfile.txt, 6366, 2 source_share\agnostic, agnostic, 0, 1 source_share, , 0, 0 xcp scan -fmt ', '.join(map(str, [relpath, name, size, depth])) \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors Total Time : 0s STATUS : PASSED
scan -ads
Use o -ads
parâmetro flag com o scan
comando para verificar recursivamente todo o compartilhamento SMB e listar todos os arquivos e quaisquer fluxos de dados alternativos associados.
xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src
Mostrar exemplo
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src src\file1.txt:ads1 src\file1.txt:ads_file1.txt_1697037934.4154522.txt src\file1.txt src\file2.txt:ads1 src\file2.txt:ads_file2.txt_1697037934.5873265.txt src\file2.txt src\test1.txt:ads_test1.txt_1697037934.7435765.txt src\test1.txt src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads1 src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_dfile1.txt_1697037934.1185782.txt src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_xcp.exe src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads_tar src\dir1\dfile1.txt:java_exe src\dir1\dfile1.txt:cmdzip src\dir1\dfile1.txt:ads1_2GB src\dir1\dfile1.txt src\dir1:ads1 src\dir1:ads_dir1_1697038504.087317.txt src\dir1 src:ads_src_1697038504.7123322.txt src xcp scan -ads \\<source_ip_address>\source_share\src 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 errors, 15 ads scanned Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED